Student’s Name: ................                                        Sex: ................          

 Level: ................                                                        Room: ................

Study Time: ................                                               Duration: (50 minutes)                              

Date: ......../......../2020                                                Total Score: ______________/20 marks

II. Verb be + and ?
1. Complete the conversations with a form of the verb be. Use contractions where possible.

Juan Hi.

Petra 'Is this Class 2?

Juan Yes, it ............ you in this class too?

Petra Yes, I ............what ............ your name?

Juan I .............Juan.

Petra Hello. My name ............ Petra.

Juan Where ............ you from, Petra?

Petra I ............ from the Czech Republic. And you?

Juan I ............ from Madrid.

Petra ............ you Spanish?

Juan No, ............ I ............ Mexican, but I live in Spain.

Petra Who ............ our teacher?

Juan Her name ............ Diane.

Petra ............ she English?

Juan No, she ............ she ............ American.

Petra Where ............ the other students? ............ they in class?

Juan No, they ............ They ............ in the cafe!


Chris Hi, I’m Chris.

Oliver Hello. My name ............ Oliver. It’s my first day here.

Chris ............ you German, Oliver?

Oliver No, I ............ I’m Swiss.

Chris Oh, which city ............ you from?

Oliver I ............ from Lucerne in the centre of Switzerland.

Chris ............ it nice in Lucerne?

Oliver Yes, it ............ It’s beautiful. ............ you English?

Chris No, I ............ I ............ Irish.

Oliver Where ............ you from in Ireland?

Chris Dublin, the capital.

Oliver Really. ............ Dublin nice?

Chris Yes, i t ............ great!

Oliver ............ this my computer?

Chris No, it ............ This is your computer here.

Oliver Thanks. ............ the boss here?

Chris No, he ............ He’s in a meeting.

Oliver ............ the other people in the office English?

Chris No, they ............ They ............ from all over the world. Have a good day at work!

III. Possessive adjectives: my, your, etc.

Complete the sentences of (boy or girl) with my, your, his, her, our, their.

1 What is your name? (girl)

2 They’re ……….. dogs. (boy)

3 They’re ………… children. (b+g)

4 That’s ……………. house. (boy)

5 How do you spell ………… surname? (boy)

6 Oh no! That’s ………… train. (boy)

7 ……..… names are Peakdey and Kimsorng. (b+g)

8 This is ………… chair. (boy)

9 They’re ………… boots. (girl)

10 I think this is ………… bag. (girl)

11 That’s ………… hotel. (you)

12 Where’s ………… car. (you)

IV. a / an; plurals; this / that / these / those

A. Complete the phrases with a, an or -.

1 They’re - pens.

2 They’re .... stamps.

3 It’s .... wallet.

4 It’s .... identity card

5 This is .... address book.

6 It's .... umbrella.

7 This is .... credit card.

8 They're .... watches.

B. Complete these sentences with this / that / these / those

1 Look at .......... newspaper here.

2 .......... are my grandparents, and .......... people over there are my friend's grandparents.

3 .......... building over there is the Chrysler Building.

4 .......... is my mobile phone and .......... is your mobile phone on the shelf over there.

5 .......... photos here are much better than .......... photos on the book.

6 .......... was a great evening.

7 Are .......... your pencils here?

8 .......... bottle over there is empty.

9 .......... bricks over there are for your chimney.

10 John, take .......... folder and put it on the desk over there.

V. Imperatives, let’s

A Complete the dialogues with a positive (+) or negative(-) imperative using a verb in the list.

be be careful be quiet close park slow down take turn off sit down worry

1 A I’m cold. Close the window, please.


2 A What time is the exam?

В Tomorrow at 9.00. Don’t be late!

3 A This exercise is very difficult.

В . .............. can help you.

4 A This city is very dangerous at night. Please .............


5 A ............ here!

В Why not?

A It’s a bus stop.

6 A ............the TV and finish your homework!

В OK, Dad

7 A!

В Why not?

A Look at that sign. ‘No photographs in the museum.’

8 A .............. and open your books.

В What page is it?

A Page 22.

9 A ..................., please. This is a library!

В Sorry.

10 A ................! The limit is 60 kph on this road.

В I know, but we’re very late!

Complete the dialogue with Let’s ... and a verb in the list,

ask go home have have park step

1 A I’m tired.

В OK. Let’s stop and sit down.

2 A I’m hungry.

В Me too!_____ a sandwich

in that cafe over there.

3 A It’s very late.

В Yes___________________

4 A Look. The hotel is over there.

В OK_________ _________ in that car park.

5 A Where’s the bus station?

В I don’t know__________________ that


6 A I’m very thirsty.

В Me too______________ . a drink in

ЗВ GRAMMAR present simple

a Complete the conversation in the present simple. Use 0 , 0 , and 0 forms. Use the verbs in the

list and auxiliaries do and don’t where necessary

do like live love speak work (x3)

A Where are you from?

В Poland.

A You 1s'peak English very well.

В Thanks. 12___________ here.

A What3___________ you____________


В I’m a nurse.

A Really? Where4___________ you____________ ?

В At St Thomas’s Hospital in London.

A 5___________ you____________ your job?

В Yes, 16___________ it! But I work very long hours.

A 7___________ you____________ at night?

В Sometimes. It depends on the week. But luckily

18__________________ at weekends.

b Choose the right word to complete the conversation.

A Are you married?

В Yes, I’m married to an Englishman.

A What 'does he do? (do / does)

В He’s a teacher. He2___________ Science, (teach / teaches)

A 3___________ he work at the local school? (Do / Does)

В No, he4____________(don’t / doesn’t) He5_____________in London, (work / works)

A Does he6___________ his job? (like / likes)

В No, he 7___________________it very much. It’s a difficult school, (doesn’t like / doesn’t likes)

A Are you happy in England?

В I like the country, but not the weather. It 8___________ all the time, (rain / rains)

A 9___________ you want to go back to Poland one day? (Do / Does)

В Of course, but it isn’t easy. My husband 10___________ speak Polish, (don’t / doesn’t)

A 11___________ you have children? (Do / Does)

В Yes, two boys.

A 12______ '____ they speak Polish? (Do / Does)

В Yes, perfectly.

ЗС GRAMMAR word order in questions

Put the words in order to make questions.

1 do of books kind read you What?

2 you tired Are?

3 you are from Where?

4 do What does your mother?

5 many speak do languages you How?

6 kind have parents do of What your car?

7 surname spell you do your How?

8 English do classes have When you?

9 do the summer prefer, you Which or the winter?

1 0 singer Who your favourite is?

1 1 kind of like your teacher What music does?

1 2 exercise do What do you?