C=Customer, M=Manager

C : Good morning. I'd like to speak to the manager.

M : I am the manager, Sir. How can I help you?

C : Well, it's this radio. It doesn't work.

M : Hmm... did you buy it here?

C : What? Of course I bought it here. Look, you turn it on and Nothing happens.

M : May I see your receipt?

C : Receipt? Uh... I don't have one.

M : You must have gotten a receipt when you bought it.

C : I probably did. I must have thrown it away.

M : Uh-huh. Well, do you have any other proof of purchase the guarantee, for example?

C : No. It must have been in the box. I threw that away too.

M : That's too bad. You really ought to have kept it. We need to know the exact date of purchase.

C : What? I only bought it yesterday! That young man over there waited on me...Oh, I paid by credit card. I have my copy here.

M : Oh. All right then. Did you test the radio before you left the store?

C : Test it? No, it was in the original box. I expected it to work. It wasn't a cheap radio. it's a good brand.

M : You should have tested it.

C : Come on! Stop telling me that I should have done and do something! Either gives me my money back or give me another radio.

M : There's no need to get impatient, Sir: Let me look at it. Hmm...you see this little switch in the back?

C : Yes.

M : It's on AC and it should be on DC. You really should have read the instructions.

C : Oh