Receptionist : Good afternoon. Royal Hotel, May I help you?

Torika       : Oh, yes. I would like to book a room.
                   Is there a room available?

Receptionist : When Exactly?

Torika       : This weekend for three nights. I'll arrive on the 09th of May and leave on the 12" of May also.

Receptionist : Please hold the line. I'll check it for you. Now then single or double?

Torika       : I would like a double room. Have you got it?

Receptionist : Of course, we have. With a bathroom.

Torika       : What are the room rates?

Receptionist : $75 including breakfast.

Torika       : Have you got a cheaper one?

Receptionist : Yes, we have a $60 one.

Torika       : Alright, I'll take it.

Receptionist : Could you tell me your name, please?

Torika       : T.O.R.I.K.A, Torika.

Receptionist : Can you spell that again, please?

Torika       : Thank you. What else would you like to know?

Receptionist : That's all. Thanks for your help.

Torika       : You're welcome. Have a nice stay.