Student’s Name: ................                                        Sex: ................          

 Level: ................                                                        Room: ................

Study Time: ................                                               Duration: (50 minutes)                              

Date: ......../......../2020                                                Total Score: ______________/20 marks

4В GRAMMAR prepositions of time and place (at, in, on, to)

a Complete the sentences with in, on, or at.

1 I usually wake up ……………. 7.00 every day. at
2 I never work ……………. the weekend.
3 I see my family ……………. Sundays.
4 The party is ……………. 21 st December.
5 We hardly ever watch TV ……………. the evening.
6 I usually go to bed ……………. 11.00 p.m.
7 I go skiing ……………. the winter.
8 I always go out ……………. Friday night.
9 My birthday is ……………. January.
10 People usually give presents …………….Christmas.
11 We always go shopping ……………. Friday.
12 I get up late ……………. Saturday mornings.
13 I sometimes go home ……………. lunchtime.
14 We usually have three classes ……………. the afternoon.
15 Nurses often work ……………. night.

Complete the sentences with in, at, or to.
1 I live ……………. a small flat in the city centre.
2 She usually goes ……………. the gym after work.
3 Do you have a TV ……………. your bedroom?
4 I always have lunch ……………. home.
5 We often go ……………. the cinema on Friday evenings.
6 Let’s play football ……………. the park this afternoon.
7 The children aren’t ……………. school today. It’s a holiday.
8 I usually go ……………. work by train.
9 On Saturdays we sometimes have dinner ……………. a restaurant.
10 My wife isn’t here at the moment. She’s ……………. work.

5B GRAMMAR present continuous: be + verb + -ing
a Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets in the present continuous. Use contractions
where possible
1A What’s that noise?
В It’s our neighbour.
A Not again! W hat1 ’s he doing (do) now?
В I think he____________________(wash) his car and he
____________________(listen) to the radio.
A What? At 7.30 on a Sunday morning! Why___________
he___________ (do) it at this time?
В I don’t know. W hat___________ you____________ (do)? .
A ___________ (go) outside. I can’t sleep with this noise!
2 A ___________ you____________ the match (watch)?
В Of course we are.
A What___________________(happen)?
В We______________________ (win) 1-0, but we
____________________(not play) very well. Why
___________________you____________ (not watch) the match?
A I______________________(work) and my boss
____________________(watch) me all the time.
3 A What can you see?
В There are three men downstairs.
A W hat___________ they_____________ (do)?
В They ____________________(count) money, I think. No, sorry.
They _ _________________(not count) money. They
____________________(play) cards.
A Can you see Jim?
В Yes, he’s upstairs.
A W hat___________ he____________ (do)?
В He ____________________(look) at us!
4 A How’s your sister?
В She’s fine.
A W hat____________she_____________ (do) now?21__
she___________ (work)?
В No, she’s in Thailand at the moment with two friends.
They____________________(travel) round the world.
A What____________you_______________(do) now?
В I___________________(not work) at the moment.
I____________________(look for) a job.

5С GRAMMAR present simple or present continuous?
a Put the verbs in the present simple or present continuous. Use contractions where possible.
1 A What are you doing at the moment? (do)
В I’m checking my emails, (check)
2 A Why___________ you____________ those old clothes? (wear)
В Because I_______________ in the garden, (work)
3 A What’s that loud music?
В My neighbours_________________ a party, (have)
4 A Where ____________ you____________? (go)
В To my parents’ house for lunch we usually___________ there for lunch on Sundays, (go)
5 A Hi, Nora! What___________ you____________ here? (do)
В I__________________for a friend, (wait)
6 A Where____ you____________? (work)
В I____________ in a restaurant. I’m a waiter, (work)
7 A What’s the answer to number 5?
В Shh! I _________________ to the teacher, (listen)
8 A ___________ you____________ a uniform for work? (wear)
В Yes. And I _________________ it. It’s horrible, (not like)
9 A Look! It____________________(snow)
В Great. Let’s ___________ a snowman, (make)
10 A Hello, Jim. Where_____________you___________ ? (go)
В I__________________to the supermarket, (go)
11 A Where’s Simon?
В In the bathroom. He__________________a shower, (have)
12 A When___________ you usually____________ your friends? (see)
В On Friday night. We always____________after work, (meet)
1 A What are you doing at the moment? (do)
В I’m checking my emails, (check)
2 A Why___________ you____________ those old clothes? (wear)
В Because I_______________ in the garden, (work)
3 A What’s that loud music?
В My neighbours_________________ a party, (have)
4 A Where ____________ you____________? (go)
В To my parents’ house for lunch we usually___________ there for lunch on Sundays, (go)
5 A Hi, Nora! What___________ you____________ here? (do)
В I__________________for a friend, (wait)
6 A Where____ you____________? (work)
В I____________ in a restaurant. I’m a waiter, (work)
7 A What’s the answer to number 5?
В Shh! I _________________ to the teacher, (listen)
8 A ___________ you____________ a uniform for work? (wear)
В Yes. And I _________________ it. It’s horrible, (not like)
9 A Look! It____________________(snow)
В Great. Let’s ___________ a snowman, (make)
10 A Hello, Jim. Where_____________you___________ ? (go)
В I__________________to the supermarket, (go)
11 A Where’s Simon?
В In the bathroom. He__________________a shower, (have)
12 A When___________ you usually____________ your friends? (see)
В On Friday night. We always____________after work, (meet)

6А GRAMMAR object pronouns: me, you, him, etc.
a Complete the sentences with me,you, him, her, it, us, or them. Write in the PRONOUN column.
1 It’s a great song. I love it
2 We can’t speak Italian very well. Can you help …………….
3 The phone’s ringing! Can you answer …………….
4 I often call Ellie, but she hardly ever calls …………….
5 Can you go to the boss’s office? She wants to see …………….
6 Where are my keys? I can’t find …………….!
7 Hello again! Do you remember …………….? My name’s Matt.
8 Lorna’s in love with Nick, but he isn’t in love with ……………..
9 Is Kate’s boyfriend nice? I don’t know …………….
10 A What do you think of these shoes?
В I don’t like |^H. They’re a horrible colour.
11 We don’t know this city. Can you tell ……………. some places to visit?
12 This bar’s very noisy. I really don’t like …………….
13 My sister works in Germany. I don’t see ……………. very often.
14 I’m free tonight. Do you want to come to the cinema with …………….
15 This exercise is very difficult. I can’t do …………….
16 Your bank manager called. He needs to speak to …………….
17 My husband gets home late, but I always have dinner with ……………..
18 George and Nora are really nice. I like …………….
19 You have a message from Alice. Please call ……………. on her mobile.
20 Our neighbours are very unfriendly. They never speak to …………….

6C GRAMMAR be or do?
a Complete the conversation with a form of the verb be or do. Use contractions where possible.
Kevin Hi, I’m Kevin. I l’m the manager of the music store.
Callum Hello, thank you for inviting me to the interview.
Kevin You’re welcome._____________ you want a coffee?
Callum No, thank you. I___________________ drink coffee.
Kevin So, Callum.____________ you Scottish?
Callum Yes, I________ from Dundee.
Kevin What____________ you___________ ?
Callum I____________ a university student.
Kevin I see. What____________ you studying?
Callum I____________ studying music.
Kevin Great! What instrument____________ you play?
Callum I play two, actually. I play the piano and the flute.
Kevin That_____________ interesting.12you practising for a concert at the moment?
Callum Yes, I____________For a concert of music by Schubert.
Kevin What other kinds of music ____________ you like?
Callum I really like rock, hip hop, jazz, all kinds of music. The only music I____________ like is country.
Kevin How ____________ you usually listen to music?
Callum On my iPod.
Kevin ____________ you free in the afternoons?
Callum Yes, I_____________ I____________have classes in the afternoons, only in the mornings.
Kevin That’s good. So ... Why_________ T______ you want to work here?
