Student’s Name: ................                                        Sex: ................          

 Level: ................                                                        Room: ................

Study Time: ................                                               Duration: (50 minutes)                              

Date: ......../......../2020                                                Total Score: ______________/20 marks

7A GRAMMAR past simple of be: was / were
a Complete with was / wasn’t or were j w eren’t to make true sentences.
1Edward VIII wasn’t King for very long.
2Julius Caesar___________ the first Roman emperor.
3Tchaikovsky__the composer of Swan Lake.
4The Vikings_______________from Germany.
5Helena Bonham Carter____________ in the Harry Potter
6Roald Dahl___________ a famous British musician.
7The 2010 football World Cup___________ in South Africa.
8Brad P itt_____________married to Jennifer Aniston.
9Socrates and Plato______________ Brazilian footballers.
10Pablo Picasso___________ Spanish.
11Beethoven___________ a Swiss composer.
12Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin___________ the first men
to walk on the Moon.
13Hilary Clinton_____________President of the USA in the 1990s.
14The Incas___________ from Mexico.
15Marco Polo___________ born in Italy.
16The Beatles________ from Liverpool.
17Vincent van Gogh and Leonardo da Vinci___________ famous German painters.
18William Wallace (Braveheart)______________from Ireland.
19The last Olympic Games in Asia____________ in Beijing in 2008.
20The Wall Street Crash____________________
7В GRAMMAR past simple regular verbs
a Complete the dialogues in the past tense. Use the verbs in brackets.
1 Annie 'Did you study French at university? (study)
Beth No, I_________________ French, I_________ . Italian. I . in
Rome for six months in my third year, (not study, study, live)
Annie Where you _________ you ______in Rome? (live)
Beth Near the Forum. I ________________ a house with some Italian students, (rent)
Annie ____________ you ____________ in Italian all the time? (talk)
Beth Not always, because they___________ to practise their English. But I ___________
to cook great pasta! (want, learn)
2 Alan _________you _________ Brazil? (like)
Ben We _________ it! We _________ to come home, (love, not want)
Alan ________ you ________ around the country? (travel)
Ben We ________ much because we were only there for two weeks. (not travel)
Alan ___________ you ________ in hotels? (stay)
Ben No, we __________ We stayed with Brazilian friends.
3 Dave ________you________the match? Arsenal and Real Madrid? (watch)
Carl No, I ________
Dave Why not?
Carl I _______ . late last night. I ________ until 7.00. (work, not finish)
Dave But the match ________ at 7.45. (start)
Carl Yes, but I ________ my train. I ________ . home until 9.30. (miss, not arrive)
Dave What a pity! It was a fantastic match.
4 Sam _________ you three times last night but you _________ (call, not answer)
Lucy Sorry. I was in the cinema with my sister.
Sam And I___________ you too. Why ______ you __________ me back? (text, not text)
Lucy Because I was angry.
Sam Angry? Why?
Lucy Because you __________ to me at the party last week. You __________ to Eva for about an hour, (not talk, chat)
Sam I _________ to Eva for an hour! She had a problem and she just __________ to tell me about it. (not chat, want)
Lucy A problem? Is that why you ___________ with her for twenty minutes? (dance)

7С GRAMMAR past simple: irregular verbs
Complete the story with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets.
My memorable night at the Edinburgh Festival by Lotte
This happened in my first summer when I was at Edinburgh University. I lived in a room in a big
house with three friends. That summer some musicians rented two other rooms in our house. It
was (be) August and the Edinburgh Music and Arts Festival was on. The musicians__________ (be) from Poland, Italy and the Netherlands One afternoon they __________ (tell) me about Latin music club My friends and I __________ (say) that we wanted to go with them. We __________ (meet) them at the club that evening at 9.00 p.m. It _____________ (have) a really friendly atmosphere and the music____________ (be) fantastic! Our new friends_____________ (speak) English very well and we____________ (spend) the evening dancing and chatting. When we ____________ (leave) the club, we _____________ (find) th at we ____________ (not have) the money for a taxi home. It _____________ (be) a warm night, so we walked home through the streets. The musicians ____________ (see) the historic buildings and monuments for the first time, and they __________ (think) that they __________ (be) really beautiful. We___________ (get) home at 4.00 a.m., but we _____________ (not go) to bed. We____________ (make) some coffee and chatted. Then our friends played their guitars and we ____________ (sing) songs that we all_____________(know). It __________ (be) a wonderful, memorable evening and ten years later, we are still friend.
Complete these questions about the story.
1 Which month was the Edinburgh Festival in?
It was in August.
2 Where_____________ ________________from?
They were from Poland, Italy, and the Netherlands.
3 What. _______________________ Lotte about?
They told her about a Latin music club.
4 What time. _____________ _______ at the club? They met at 9.00 p.m.
5 ______________________ ___________ good?
Yes, it was fantastic.
6 What. _____________ ____________at the club? They danced and chatted all evening.
7 Why ______________ __________ a taxi home? Because they didn’t have enough money.
8 What. ____________________ for the first time? They saw Edinburgh’s historic buildings
and monuments.
9 ______________________ when they got home? No, they made coffee and chatted.
10 What. _____________ ____________ after that?
They played their guitars and sang.

8A GRAMMAR past simple: regular and irregular verbs
Complete the conversation with the past tense of the verb in the brackets.
Be careful with + , - , and ?.
A new life
Inspector Granger OK, Mr Thomas. Please just relax
and tell me the problem.
Mr Thomas It’s my wife. She 'went (go) out
yesterday evening. And she _________________ (not come) back.
Inspector Granger When_________________ (you / see) your wife for the last time?
Mr Thomas Yesterday evening, at about nine thirty. Inspector Granger Tell me what happened
yesterday._________________ (you / do) anything unusual?
Mr Thomas No, it _________________ (be) just a normal day. We_________________
(wake up) at seven. I___________ (have) breakfast. Then I______________(drive) to work. My
wife__________________ (not have) breakfast. In the morning I think she_______ _ (go)
shopping. She ___________ (come) home at lunchtime. I don’t know what she ___________
(do) in the afternoon. She probably _ ________ _ (make) the dinner. Inspector Granger When _________________ (you / come) home?
Mr Thomas I _________________ (arrive) home at about seven thirty. I _________________ (sit) down and
____________(read) the newspaper, and ___ ________(check) my emails. We __________
(have) dinner at about eight. After dinner, I_ _ ________ (watch) TV. I___________________ (go to sleep) in my chair.
Inspector Granger _________________ (you / speak) to your wife at all? What
__________________ (she / say) to you? Mr Thomas We _______________(not talk) during
dinner. After dinner she ___________ (say), ‘This isn’t a life. I need to go out.’ She
___________ (call) a taxi. I_____________(hear) the taxi about
fifteen minutes later. She ___________ (take) her bag and her coat and ___________ (close) the door. She
__________________ (not say) goodbye. Inspector Granger I see, Sir. I think I know why
she____________ (leave).
8В GRAMMAR there is / there are, some / any + plural nouns
A Write the questions and short answers.
1 shower / bathroom?
Is there a shower in the bathroom?
Yes, there is.
2 pictures / hall?
Are there any pictures in the hall?
No. there aren’t.
3 double bed / bedroom?
4 D VD player / living room?
5 plant / study?
6 dishwasher / kitchen?
7 cupboards / bathroom?
8 chairs / bedroom?
B Write + or - sentences.
1 table / kitchen
There’s a table in the kitchen
2 plants / living room
3 mirror / hall
4 books / living room
5 computer / study
6 clock / kitchen
7 fireplace / living room
8 shelves / study
8С GRAMMAR there was / there were
a Complete the sentences with there was / there wasn’t, there were / there weren’t, or Was there /
Were there...?
A 'Was there a supermarket in your town when you were a child?
В No,__________________ __________________ a baker’s and a
small shop.
A _________________ any Italian restaurants? I love pizza!
В No,_________________ , but_________________ a cafe.
And_________________ two pubs!
A We stayed in a great hotel in Spain._______________
a huge TV in our room!
В Wow!_________________ a swimming pool?
A Yes,__________________two, and ____ ________
a fantastic gym.
В _________________ a good restaurant in the hotel?
A Yes, the food was delicious!
A _________________ a very old castle in the town I lived in as
a child. People said _________________ secret rooms in it.
В Really? _________________ ghosts in the castle too?
A Yes,__________________My aunt saw one once. She said that
suddenly _________________ a strange light and then she
saw a face looking in through the window - but she was on the
second floor!
A Did you get anything nice in the sale?
В Yes, I did._____________ :___ some lovely sweaters. I got two.
A Great!_________________ any jeans?
В Yes,_________________ , but_________________ any in my
9В GRAMMAR how much / how many, a lot of, etc.
a Circle the right word in bold. T h en answ er the question w ith a com plete sentence. U se a lot of,
not ... much, not ... many, or not ... any

Fast Food Phil
1 How much / many orange juice does he drink?
He doesn’t drink any orange juice.
2 How much / many burgers does he eat?

3 How much / many chips does he eat?

Valerie the vegetarian
4 How much / many meat does she eat?

5 How much / many vegetables does she eat?

6 How much I many D iet Coke does she drink?

Baby Belinda
7 How much / many milk does she drink?

8 How much / many bread does she eat?

9 How much / many apples does she eat?

Fabio the Italian Food Fan
10 How much j many cereal does he eat?

11 How much I many pasta does he eat?

12 How much / many cups o f espresso does he drink?

9С GRAMMAR comparative adjectives
Use the information to make comparative sentences.
Length (short)
the Akashi-Kaikyo bridge (Japan) 6,532 ft
the Golden Gate bridge (USA) 4,200 ft
1 The Golden Gate bridge is
shorter than the A kashi-K aikvo bridge.

Speed (slow)
man 27.89 mph
horse 47.50 mph
2 .............................................................................
Inventions (new)
Blu-ray technology 1998
MP3 technology 1989
3 .............................................................................
Size (big)
Russia 17,075,400 km2
Canada 9,984,670 km2
4 .............................................................................
Price (expensive)
Cartier watch $5,170
Swatch watch $115
5 .............................................................................

People per km2 (crowded)
Shanghai 13,400
Istanbul 7,700
6 .............................................................................
Average summer
temperature (hot)
London 24°C
New York 28.5°c
7 ....................................................................
Risk (dangerous)
deaths per year worldwide travelling
by car approx. 1.2 million
deaths per year worldwide travelling
by plane approx. 600
8 ....................................................................
Vitamin С (healthy)
oranges: approx. 70 mg per orange
apples: approx. 9 mg per apple
9 ....................................................................
Height (high)
Burj Khalifa tower (Dubai) 2,717 ft
Empire State Building (New York) 1,250 ft
10 ..................................................................
Annual rainfall (dry)
Buenos Aires 38.7 inches
Rome 23 inches
11 ..................................................................
Weather (sunny)
Paris (France) average hours sunlight per day 4.9
Stockholm (Sweden) average hours sunlight per day 5.4
12 ..................................................................
