Student’s Name: ................                                        Sex: ................          

 Level: ................                                                        Room: ................

Study Time: ................                                               Duration: (50 minutes)                              

Date: ......../......../2020                                                Total Score: ______________/20 marks

I. There is / There are

Choose the correct answer.

1. There __ people in the restaurant.

a. are any b. are some c. is some

2. There __ information about careers in the library.

a. are some b. is some c. isn't some

3. There __ money on the table.

a. is a b. is any c. is some

4. __ cheese in this sandwich?

a. Are there any b. Is there a c. Is there any

5. Yes, __

a. there are b. there cheese c. there is

6. __ letter for you.

a. There's a b. There's any c. There's some

7. __ customers in the shop?

a. Are there any b. Is there c. Is there any

8. No, __

a. there any b. there are c. there aren't

9. There __ students in the classroom.

a. are no b. aren't no c. isn't no

10. __ petrol in the car.

a. There aren't b. There is a c. There's no

II. Make the past simple with 'be' - it could be positive, negative or question

1) (I / be / at the cinema last night)


2) (the children / be / naughty)?


3) (we / be / in a cafe when you called)?


4) (I / be / late)?


5) (she / be / a teacher when she was young)


6) (where / we / be)?


7) (you / be / okay)?


8) (we / be / too tired)


9) (how / the party / be)?


10) (they / be / late for the interview)


11) (you / be / in the garden)


12) (what / his name / be)?


13) (it / not / be / cold)


14) (she / be / beautiful)?


15) (she / not / be my wife at the time)


16) (he / be / hungry)


17) (why / you / be / late)?


18) (you / not / be / early)


19) (they not / be / in love)


20) (we / not / be / in China)


III. past simple irregular verbs: do, get, go, have

Complete the conversations. Use the verbs in brackets in the past simple.

1A. Good morning Jenny. Did you have a good weekend? (have)

B. Yes, I did. We ……. to a concert on Saturday night. (go) What ………you …… the weekend? (do)

A. On Sunday afternoon, we ……... to a football match with Beth and Dan.(go) Then we …… dinner at their house. (have)

B. What …….you …….. for dinner? (have)

A. We …….. Italian food. (have) it was great!

B. …… ……. to bed late? (go)

A. Yes, I did. We only ……….. home at midnight, and then I …………10 this morning. (get; get up).

2A. Hi, darling, …….you ……. a good day? (have)

B.No, I …………….. a good day. (not have) It was terrible.

A. Why?….. the boys ………. late again?(get up)

B. Yes very late. And They ………… their homework last night. (not do )

A. …….you ……. to the office this morning? (go)

B. Yes, but I was late, too. I …… email from my boss about it. (get) He was angry.

A. Don't worry. Tomorrow is Saturday and you can relax.

IV. past simple: regular and irregular verbs

1. Complete the conversation. Use the past simple of the verbs in brackets.

A. How did you meet (meet) your wife?

B. It's a long story. Two years ago I ……..(leave) my wallet on the train.

B It ……….. (not have) any money in it, but my credit cards ………(be) in it.

A. Oh no! That's terrible.

B. Yes, but a woman on the train ………(see) the wallet and ………. (open) it. The name of the bank was on the credit cards. She ……… (phone) the bank and ……… (say) that she had my wallet. Then the bank ……….. (phone) me and ……. (give) me her number.

A. What …… ……(do) then?

B. I …….. (talk) to the woman on the phone. She …………(tell) me that she ……… (work) in an office in the city centre.

A. How ……. you …… (get) the wallet from her?

B. The next day I ……. (buy) some chocolates and flowers and I …….. (go) to her office. She ….. (be) really nice so we ………(go) for a coffee. We … ….. (have) a good time.

A. That's great! Then what happened?

B. The next day I ……….(sent) her an email and I ………… (invite) her out to dinner.

B. Where …….. you ……. (go)?

A. We …….. (go) to a romantic restaurant on the beach and …….. (have) a great evening.

A. And then?

B. Well, she's now my wife!

V. Present continuous for future

Complete each sentence with (verb + ing) in brackets

1. I did really well in the interview, so I ............. (start) a new job on Monday.

2. My wife and I ............... (have) a party this weekend. We've already bought the drinks and sent the invitations.

3. Celia ................ (moves)to Chicago later this month. She got a job there.

4. Marla ................. (not, come)to the meeting today. She has to catch a flight at 2.30 p.m.

5. What ........ you ............(do) on Friday evening? Do you want to catch a movie?

6. When ........ Giulia ..........(come) to visit us? I miss her.

7. Why ......... you ...............(not, join) us on this trip? You're a great travel companion, and we'd love to have you there!

8. We .............. (go) shopping later today to buy Shawn a gift. Do you want to tag along?

9. I ................(stay) at the MGM in Las Vegas. I booked a room two months ago to get a good rate.

10. I can't wait to get to France. We .............. (take) a tour around the South to visit the wineries.
