Student’s Name: ................                                               Sex: ................

Level: ................                                                               Room: ................

Study Time: ................                                                      Duration: (50 minutes)

Date: ......../......../2020                                                     Total Score: ______________/20 marks

I. present simple questions:

A. Correct order word to make questions

1. Waiter: Good evening. Do you have a reservation? (have do a reservation you)

Woman: Yes, we do.

Waiter: ……………………………………..…?

(your what's surname)

Woman: It's Leigh

Waiter: ……………………………………..…?

(spell how it you do)

Woman: L-E-I-G-H

Waiter: Thank you. Your table is by the window.

Come with me.

2.Woman: ……………………..the number 10

bus? (always take do you)

Man: Yes, I do.

Woman: ……………………………………..…?

(you where work do)

Men: I work at the university.

Woman: ……………………………………..…?

(teacher you are a)

Man: Yes, I am.

Woman: ……………………………………..…?

(like your do job you)

Man: Yes, I do. It's great.

Woman: ………………………………………..…?

(work you what youertime do finish)

Man: I usually finish at five o'clock

3.Boy: ………………………………………..…?

(do do weekends what the you at)

Girl: I usually meet my friends.

Boy: ………………………………………..…?

(You do go where)

Girl: To a bar or disco.

Boy: ………………………………………..…?

(like music what you do)

Girl : I like hip hop and R&8.

II. object pronouns:

A. Complete the sentences with an object pronoun.

1. I love cats. Do you like ..them..

2. This exercise is difficult. I can't do ………….

3. I always phone my brother but he never phones ………….

4. Where are the car keys? I can't find ………….

5. Paula is a very good friend. I see …………every weekend.

6. We have a meeting with the manager. He wants to speak to ………….

7. Jack goes to your school. Do you know ………?

8. You love me but I don't love ………….!

B. Complete the sentences with (+)or(-) imperative of each verb in bracket

(close, drink, open, phone, relax, sit, speak, walk)

1 Don't walk in the park at night!

2 It's very cold in here. ……. the window, please!

3 ……… me when you arrive in Paris.

4 Come in and ………down.

5 ……… ! You're on holiday.

6 ………….. in Italian! This is an English class.

7 ……… your books, please, and go to page 22.

8 ……… coffee now!

III. can / can't

Choose the correct combination in the following sentences:

1. '___ you swim'? 'Yes, I ___'

a. Can/can't

b. Can/can

2. I'm sorry I ___ help you today, I'm really busy.

a. Can

b. Can't

3. Please ___ you buy some milk on your way home? I ___ leave the house because I'm looking after the baby.

a. Can/can't

b. Can't/can't

4. I ___ ride a bike but I ___ drive a car.

a. Can/can't

b. Can/can

5. I just ___ manage to wake up on time, I'm always late.

a. can

b. can't

6. 'Hello, ___ I help you'? 'Actually, no you ___ this restaurant is awful and we've been waiting here for half an hour. We're leaving'.

a. Can/can't

b. Can't/can

7. I have a special talent, I ___ touch my nose with my tongue ___ you?

a. Can/can

b. Can't/can

8. '___ I go to the bathroom please'? 'Yes, of course you ___.'

a. Can/can't

b. Can/can

9. Look! It's right there!___ you see it? It's so obvious!

a. Can

b. Can't

10. I've never been able to eat breakfast in the mornings. I ___ talk to anyone either!

a. Can

b. Can't

IV. like, love, hate verb + -ing

A. Choose the correct answer.

1. I don't like (go/going) to the theatre.

2. What (do/doing) you like?

3. Maya loves (travel/travelling) with her friends.

4. We like (have/having) a big family.

5. Jose hates (cook/cooking) but he loves good food!

6. In her free time, Kimsorng likes (paint/painting).

7. Chanthea enjoys (swim/swimming) in the sea.

8. Pheakdey hates (lie/lying) so much.

9. Danika loves (run/running) in the park.

10. They prefer (play/playing) volleyball than playing card.

B. Present continuous or present simple?

Choose the correct verb in the present continuous or the present simple in the brackets

1. My dad usually (go/goes/going) to work by bus.

2. Today he (drive/drives/ is driving)

3. We usually (go/goes/are going) camping an holidays.

4 Now we (stay/stays/are staying) in a fantastic hotel.

5. I usually (have/has/am having) coffee for breakfast.

6. Today I (drink/drinks/am drinking) tea.

7 Oh no! It (rain/rains/is raining) now and we don't have an umbrella.

8. It usually (rain/rains/raining) all September in Scotland.

9. The children usually (do/does/are doing) their homework in the evening.

10. They (don’t do/doesn’t/aren’t doing) their homework this evening, because they're on holiday.

11. I usually (wear/wears/am wearing) jeans and a T-shirt at the weekend.

12 I (wear/wears/am wearing) my new skirt and blouse today for the party.

13 My mum usually (watch/watches/is watching) TV after dinner.

14 She (read/reads/is reading) a book tonight.

15 Gary always (listen/listens/is listening) to classical music.

16 Today he (listen/listens/is listening) to pop music.
