Student’s Name: …………………....……                Sex:……….

Level: .................                                                       Room:………..

Study Time: .....................                                         Duration: (50 minutes)

Date: ……/……/2020                                              Total Score: ______________/20 marks

I. Possessive adjectives

Fill in my, your, his, her, its, our, their.

1. I don't know the time because I can't find ....... watch.

2. You have a new laptop. ........ laptop is white.

3. We are at school. ........ school is very nice.

4. The Millers have a new car. ........ car is blue.

5. What's the boy's name? ....... name is Ben Scott.

6. Rany has got a cat. ........ cat is very lively.

7. The rabbit is white. ....... cage is in the garden.

8. I'm from Seattle. Most of ...... friends are from Seattle, too.

9. Sandra and Jenny are friends. ......... school is in the city centre.

10. Emma Peel has got a brother. ......... name is Paul.

11. Nick Baker has a sister. ......... name is Debbie.

12. The dog is very cute. ......... name is Ben.

Present simple + and - : I, you, we, they

Write + or - sentence with the verbs in brackets

"eat, go, have(x2), not have, not like(x2),, not live, need, not read, speak, watch"

1. We watch TV in the evening. (watch)

2. I don't have sugar in coffee. (not / have)

3. We………….. tea for breakfast. (have)

4. I……….. books in the evening. I listen to music. (not/read)

5. Andy and Jane …………. two children.(have)

6. We only ………. English in our class! (speak)

7. My parents ……… flat. They live in a house. (not/live)

8. I ………. cats. (not/like)

9. We ………… this film. It's terrible. (not/like)

10. I ……….. to English class on Tuesday and Thursday (go)

11. They ………… fast food at the weekend. (eat)

12. They ……… a new car.(need)

Present simple :I, you, we, they

1. Write sentence with the verbs in brackets

A. Do you live here in Oxford? (live)

B. Yes, I ……… in Oxford, but I ………. in London. (live; work)

A. ……….you to work by car? (go)

B. No, I ………….. driving, I ……. to work by train. (not like; go)

A. It's a long way! ……. you …… the newspaper on the train? (read)

B. I ……….the newspaper, but I …….. the news on my tablet every morning. (not read; read)

A. And what ……. You ………on the train after work? (do)

B. In the afternoons, I just ……….something on my tablet. (watch)

2. Complete the conversation. Write the questions

A. Good morning Mr Smyth.

B. Hello. Nice to meet you.

A. Do you want coffee?

B. Yes, please. Black with no sugar.

A. …………………. in London?

B. No, I don't. I live in Birmingham.

A. …………………………………….?

B. Yes, two. A daughter and son. They're 20 and 22.

A. …………………………………………?

B. No, they don't work. They're students

A. ………………………………………?

B. No, not French, but I speak Spanish and Italian.

present simple: he, she, it

Write the correct form of each verb in bracket.

(not drink, finish, have, not have, live, not read, speak, start, study, watch, work, not work)

1. He lives in a house.

2. He doesn't drink coffee in the morning.

3. He …………….. in a bank in London.

4. He …………….. in an English bank.

5. He …………….. work at 8.30.

6. He …………….. a big lunch.

7. He …………….. French to customers at work.

8. He …………….. meetings at work.

9. He …………….. work at 5.30

10. He …………….. French after work.

11. He …………….. in the evening.

12. He …………….. TV in the evening
