Student’s Name: …………………....……    Sex:……….
Level: ………………..                                  Room:………..
Study ...........................                                 Duration: (50 minutes
Date: ……/……/2020                                 Total Score: ______________/20 marks

1A GRAMMAR verb be (singular); I and You

Complete the conversation with I / or you.

Miranda: Hi, I'm Miranda. Are …….. Monica?

Sally: No, ……..’m not, ……..’m Sally.

Miranda: Nice to meet ……..!

Complete the conversation with am, are

Student: Excuse me, am in room 2?

Receptionist: What's your name?

Student: 1 …….Caroline.

Receptionist: ……… you Caroline Herzog?

Student: No, I………. not. I …….Caroline Fuchs.

Receptionist: You ……… in room 3.

Student: Thank you.

Complete the conversation.

Charlotte: Are ……… Paolo Galli?

Paolo: Yes , I …….

Charlotte: Hi, …….’m Charlotte from the Dover School of English.

Paolo: Oh, hello!

Charlotte: Nice to meet.

2A GRAMMAR verb be (singular); He, She, It

Complete the conversation. Use contractions where possible

A. Where's Michael Fassbender from?

……….he from the UK?

B. No, he………..

A. Is……… from Germany?

B. Yes, he………

A. Where in Germany?

Is……...from Berlin?

B. No, he………

He ………. from Heidelberg.

A. ……..’s dim sum from?

………il from the USA?

B. No, …….. isn't.

A. ………. it from Japan?

B. No, …….it ……… It ……. from China.

A. ……..sushi from Japan?

B. Yes, it …………

A. Where ……..Cate…….. ..

Is……… from the United States?

A. ………..she from Australia?

B. Yes, she……….

A. Where in Australia?

………. she from Sydney?

B. No, she ……… She …… from Melbourne.

2B GRAMMAR Wh-and How questions with be

Put the words in the correct order to make questions.


Gill: Hi Anna!

Anna: Hello Gill, how are you ? (You how are)

Gill: I’m fine, thanks. ………………… (he who is) Anna: He's Sammy, my little boy.

Gill: …………………………. (old is how he) Anna: He's one.

Gill: He's very nice


Woman: …………………………

(your first what's name)

Boy: Henry

Woman: OK ……………………….

(what's surname your)

Boy: Schultz

Woman: ……………………………

(spell do how it you)

Boy: S-C-H-U-L-T-Z.

Woman: Oh yes, ……………………

(you old are how)

Boy: Im 18.

Woman: OK. That's fine.


Woman 1: …………………………………

(your address what's)

Woman 2: It’s 72 London Road, Liverpool

Woman 1: …………………………….

(postcode what's your)

Woman 2: It's L2 7BC.

Woman 1: Thank you. ……………………………..

………………...(home what's phone your number) Woman 2: It's 01514960878

Woman 1: OK. ………………………………..

(mobile your number what's)

Woman 2: I don't have a mobile phone.

3B GRAMMAR this / that/ these / those

Complete the conversations. Use this, that, these, or those.


Man: Hey, Sally, is this your laptop?

Woman: No, it isn’t.

Man: Where's your laptop?

Woman: ….’s my laptop - over there on the table.

Man: And the keys? Are ………. your keys?

Woman: Yes, they are.



Man: Is………. mug from Switzerland?

Woman: No, it’s from France.

Man: And ………. chocolates?

Are……… from Switzerland?

Woman: Yes, they are. And ………. picture is from Switzerland, too.


Woman: Excuse me. Is……….the bus to Glasgow?

Driver: No, ma'am. ………… is the bus to Liverpool.

Woman: Oh no! Where's the bus to Glasgow?

Driver: ……….’s the bus to Glasgow over there-number 41. Are ……… your bags?

Woman: Yes, they are.

Driver: Here, let me help you.