Student’s Name: …………………....……                    Sex:……….               
 Level: 1A                                                                       Room:………..
Study Time: Part-Time                                                   Duration: (50 minutes)                               
Date: ……/……/2020                                                    Total Score: ______________/20 marks

I. Uses of the infinitive with to

Complete each sentence with to + a verb from the bracket: (ask, be, build, cry, get, go, learn, lock, make, not know, not tell, pass, print, say, see, shart, swim, turn off, use, not worry)

1 Are you ready to start work now?

2 It's not difficult ................ the first year exam.

3 Promise ............... anyone about this. It's a secret.

4 They're planning ............... a supermarket there.

5 Can you show me how ............... the new coffee machine?

6 You need ........... your boarding pass before you

go to the airport.

7 Don't forget ........... the computer when you leave.

8 Does he know where ............... when he arrives?

9 She shouldn't pretend .............. happy if she isn't.

10 Is it safe ........... in this river? .

11 Try ............. about your exam. You'll pass easily.

12 What's the best way .............. a new language?

13 Did you remember .............. the door?

14 It was really nice .............. you again.

15 I can't think what ............. her for her birthday.

16 He tried to tell her that he was leaving her, but she started ............

17 It's really important ........... a good impression on your first day in a new job.

18 He phoned her ........... that he was sorry.

19 I don't know who ........... for advice.

20 Don't worry. It's quite normal ........... all the answers.

II. Infinitive with to or verb + -ing?

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets with to + infinitive or a verb + -ing.

1 I can't promise to be (be) on time.

2 Swimming (swim) is better exercise than running.

3 Would you like _ _ _ _ _(come) to my party?

4 Do you mind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _not talk) so loudly?

5 It was very interesting _ _ _ _ _(see) my old school again.

6 He works at weekends _ _ _ _ _(earn) more money.

7 On Sundays she likes and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(relax, not do) anything.

8 We were unhappy with the service, so the restaurant offered _ _ _ _ _(give) us a free dinner.

9 Is it difficult _ _ _ _ _ (learn) Japanese?

10 He's very competitive. He thinks _ _ _ _ _ (win) is the most important thing.

11 She tried _ _ _ _ _ _ _(not hit) the man, but she was driving too fast.

12 They spent all night _ _ _ _ _ coffee and _ _ _ _ _(drink, talk).

13 Do you need _ _ _ _ _ (go) to the bathroom?

14 They drove without _ _ _ _ _ (stop) for 6 hours.

15 We're thinking of _ _ _ _ _ (go) to Mexico for our holidays next year.

16 I'm very happy _ _ _ _ _(be) here again.

17 I decided _ _ _ _ _ (go) camping because I didn't have much money.

18 _ _ _ _ _ (eat) cakes and junk food will make you fat.

19 He pretended _ _ _ _ _ _ _(not understand) the police officer.

20 Are you good at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (remember) people's names?

III. Have to, don't have to, must, mustn't

Complete the sentences with have to I don't have to I must I mustn't + a verb in bracket: (be, come, drive, pay (x2), play, put, take, touch, turn off, wear (x2))

1 You must turn off your phone.

2 Children _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3 You _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a jacket.

4 You _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the door.

5 You _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ anything now.

6 You _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ photos.

7 You _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ over 18 to see this film.

8 You _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ football here at night.

9 You _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your feet on the seats.

10 You _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to class on Mondays.

11 You _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in one direction.

12 You _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sports shoes here.

IV. Should
• Look at pictures 1-10. Use should I shouldn't + a verb in bracket to complete dialogues 1-10.
(Ask, go (x2), get, get up, learn, say, sit, tell, think, use)

1 A What are you doing?

B I'm trying to open this packet.

A You shouldn't use a knife! You'll cut yourself!

2 A I can't do this exercise. It's too difficult.

B You _ _ _ _ _ _ the teacher for some help.

3 A I'm really annoyed with Paula.

B Why?

A Because she's always on the computer. She

never talks to me!

B You _ _ _ _ _ _ her how you feel. Maybe

she doesn't know.

4 A Angela's leaving work at the end of the month.

She's going to have a baby.

B We _ _ _ _ _ _ her a present.

S A You _ _ _ _ _ _ so near the television.

B Why not?

A It's not good for your eyes.

6 A I miss the bus for college nearly every day.

B You _ _ _ _ _ _ earlier.

7 A Good luck for the match!

B Thanks, but I'm sure I'm going to lose.

A You _ _ _ _ _ _ like that! Be positive!

B What do mean?

A You to yourself, 'I'm going to

win! I'm going to win!'

8 A Come on. Get up. It's 9.30.

B But I'm tired.

A You _ _ _ _ _ _ to bed so late.

9 A Can you make me an omelette, please?

B Make it yourself!

A I don't know how to.

B You _ _ _ _ _ _ how to cook then!

10 A I'd love to travel round the world.

B Do you have enough money for the trip?

A Well, yes.

B Then I think you _ _ _ _ _ _

V. If + present, will + infinitive (first conditional)

Complete the stories with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.


If you don't take an umbrella, you _ _ _ _ _ _

wet. (not take, get)

If you _ _ _ _ _ _ wet, you _ _ _ _ _ _ a

cold. (get, catch)

If you S a cold, you _ _ _ _ _ _ well in your exam tomorrow. (catch, not do)

If you _ _ _ _ _ _ well in your exam, you _ _ _ _ _ _ a place at university. (not do, not get)


If you 9 _ _ _ _ _ _ me £3,000, I _ _ _ _ _ _ good computer. (lend, buy)

If I _ _ _ _ _ _a good computer, I _ _ _ _ _ _ my own business. (have, start)

If I _ _ _ _ _ _my own business, I _ _ _ _ _ _ you some money. (have, lend)

If I IS _ _ _ _ _ _ you some money, you _ _ _ _ _ _ a new car. (lend, can buy)


If I _ _ _ _ _ _ borrow your dress, I _ _ _ _ _ _ to the party. (not can, not go)

If I _ _ _ _ _ _to the party, I _ _ _ _ _ _ anyone. (not go, not meet)

If I _ _ _ _ _ _ anyone, I _ _ _ _ _ _ married. (never meet, not get)

If I _ _ _ _ _ _ married, you _ _ _ _ _ _ any grandchildren. (not get, not have)


If I _ _ _ _ _ _ to you now, I _ _ _ _ _ _ the bus. (talk, miss)

If I _ _ _ _ _ _ the train, I _ _ _ _ _ _ late for work. (miss, be)

If I _ _ _ _ _ _ late for work, my boss _ _ _ _ _ _ angry with me. (be, be)

If my boss _ _ _ _ _ _ angry with me, I _ _ _ _ _ _ my job. (be, lose)

VI. Possessive pronouns

A. Circle the correct word in the dialogues.

1 A Is that Bill's camera?

B No, it's our /ours Why?

2 A She says she's 25.

B 25! That's not her / hers real age.

3 A Can you move your / yours car, please?

B Sorry? That's not my / mine car.

4 A Andy and Gina's cat is so sweet! When did they get it?

B I don't think it's their / theirs, actually. It's the neighbors’.

5 A I love this motorbike! Is it your / yours?

B No, it's not my / mine, unfortunately.

6 A Have you seen this photo in the newspaper?

B Wait a minute! They're our / ours children!

B. Complete the sentences with the correct subject or object pronouns (I, me,you, etc.) and

possessive adjectives or pronouns (my, mine, etc.).

1 If Andrew doesn't leave soon, he'll miss _ _ _ _ _ train. I think you should tell _ _ _ _ _ to hurry.

2 My sister and I work in the same office. _ _ _ _ _hours are the same, so _ _ _ _ _ often have lunch together.

3 Do you know where Sally is? _ _ _ _ _ isn't at _ _ _ _ _ desk, and one of the secretaries is looking for _ _ _ _ _

4 My parents live near me in London. My flat is very small but _ _ _ _ _ is enormous. I often tell _ _ _ _ _ that _ _ _ _ _ don't need all that space.

5 Look at that dog. _ _ _ _ _ looks really ill and _ _ _ _ _ leg is hurt.

6 A Is that your phone ringing?

B No, _ _ _ _ _ has a different ringtone. Isn't it _ _ _ _ _?

A No, phone's in _ _ _ _ _ bag.

B It's probably Anne's then. Could _ _ _ _ _ call _ _ _ _ _ ? I think _ _ _ _ _'s in the bathroom.

VI. If + past, would + infinitive (second conditional)

A. Write second conditional sentences for the pictures.

B. First or second conditional? Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.

1 What will we do tomorrow if it rains (rain)?

2 If! had a lot of money, I 'd buy (buy) a horse.

3 She'd pass her exams if she _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (study) harder.

4 I'm sure she _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (lend) you the money if you ask her nicely.

5 I'd like your dog more if he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not be) so noisy!

6 If I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not see) you this evening, I'll see you on Friday.

7 I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not say) anything to James if you don't want me to.

8 If you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ (not hurry up), we'll miss the train.

9 If! were you, I _ _ _ _ _ _ (not go) to the UK in the winter.

10 What _ _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ _ _ (do) if you found a snake in your bed?

VII. Present perfect + for and since

Complete the sentences with the present perfect of the verb given + for or since if necessary.


1 A How long has your daughter worked in New York?

B She's worked there for four years.


2 A How long _ _ _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ _ your cat?

B I _ _ _ _ _ it _ _ _ _ _ a few weeks now.

be married

3 A Howlong _ _ _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ _ ?

B 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1981.


4 A How long _ _ _ _ _ they _ _ _ _ _ each other?

B They each other 50 years.


5 A How long _ _ _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ _ here?

B We here 2006.


6 A How long _ _ _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ _ this phobia?

B 1 it about 2010.

A Ah ...


7 A How long _ _ _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ _ in this team?

B in it I was 17.

VIII. Present perfect or past simple?

Complete the dialogues with the present perfect or the past simple.

1 A How long have you played (play) the violin?

B Since I was (be) four. 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ (love) music

all my life.

A Was it a difficult instrument to learn?

B Yes. I _ _ _ _ _ _ (not be) very good when I

_ _ _ _ _ _ (start).

2 A _ _ _ _ _ _ your brother _ _ _ _ _ _ (finish) university?

B Yes, he _ _ _ _ _ _ (finish) three weeks ago.

A What's he going to do now?

B He _ _ _ _ _ _ (not decide) yet.

3 A Where do your parents live?

B They _ _ _ _ _ _ (live) in Brighton since last year. But before that they _ _ _ _ _ _ (live) in Birmingham.

A Why _ _ _ _ _ they _ _ _ _ _ _ (leave) Birmingham?

B Because my dad _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (retire).

4 A _ _ _ _ _ _ (see) Oliver yesterday. He _ _ _ _ _ _ (tell) me about your plans to move to Australia.

B Yes, I'm very excited ... and a bit nervous too.

A _ _ _ _ _ _ you ever _ _ _ _ _ _ (live) abroad before?

B No, never. I _ _ _ _ _ _ (never be) very interested in foreign travel.

A How about your wife?

B Oh, Lily loves travelling! She _ _ _ _ _ _ (visit) lots of different countries.

5 A _ _ _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ _ _ (hear) about Andy and Francesca?

B No. What?

A They _ _ _ _ _ _ (separate).

B Really? That's a shame. I _ _ _ _ _ _ (think) they were very happy together.

6 A Is your brother married?

B Yes, he _ _ _ _ _ _ (be) married for ages. About ten years. He _ _ _ _ _ _ (fall) in love with

Sarah when they were both at secondary school. They (get) married when they _ _ _ _ _ (be) only 18.