Student’s Name: ................                                                       Sex: ................

Level: ................                                                                        Room: ................

Study Time: ................                                                              Duration: (50 minutes)

Date: ......../......../2020                                                               Total Score: ______________/20 marks

I. present perfect + yet, just, already
A. Write questions and answers of each sentences use present perfect + yet / already.

1 do / the washing-up
Has he done the washing-up yet?
No, he hasn’t.
2 clean / the floor ?
3 do / the ironing ?

4 take out / the rubbish ?
5 do / the shopping ?

6 do / the washing ?
7 clean / the window ?
8 tidy / his desk ?
9 lay / the table ?
10 make / his bed
B. Write sentences for the pictures. Use just + present perfect.

II. Present perfect or past simple?

A. Write sentences in the present perfect.

1 you / ever eat / octopus

Have you ever eaten octopus?

2 I / never fly / in a helicopter


3 she / ever be / late for work


4 he / not buy / any expensive clothes


5 she / meet / a lot of famous people


6 we / never see / a Spike Lee film


7 she / win / a lot of prizes for her novels


8 you / ever lose / a credit card


9 I / never work / in a shop or a restaurant


10 you / ever sell/ something on eBay


11 he / fall off / his bike five times


12 I/ not read / any of The Lord of the Rin[js books


B. Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the verb: present perfect or past simple.

A Have you ever been (ever I go) to an auction?

B Yes, I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (go) to one about two years ago.

A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (buy) anything?

B Yes, I _ _ _ _ _ __ (buy) a necklace.

A How much _ _ _ _ _ __ you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (pay) for it?

B A fortune! But I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (wear) it a lot. I love it.

A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (ever / hear) the group Muse?

B No, I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.What kind of music do they play?

A Rock music. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (see) them in concert last mont h.

B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(be) it a good concert?

A Yes, I really _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (like) it.

III. Something, anything, nothing

Complete the dialogues with the words from the list. Write your answers in the column on the right.

anybody (x2), anything (x4), anywhere (x2), nobody, nothing, nowhere, somebody (x2), somebody, something, somewhere (x2),

A Why are you looking out of the window?

B I think there's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the house opposite.

A But _ _ _ _ _ _ _ has lived there for years!

B I know, that's why I'm looking.

A Are you going _ _ _ _ _ _ _ this summer?

B We haven't decided yet. But my wife wants to go _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nice and hot.

A I'm so bored. There isn't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to do in this town!

B That's not true. There are lots of things to do.

A But there's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for young people to go.

A I phoned your office at 2.00 today, but _ _ _ _ _ _ _ answered.

B Sorry. We were all at lunch.

A I'm hungry. I need _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to eat.

B Well, there's food in the fridge.

A Where did you go last night?

B I didn't go _ _ _ _ _ _ _. I was too tired. I stayed in.

A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ told me that their new album is very good.

B Really? I don't know _ _ _ _ _ _ _ who likes it.

A Did you buy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ this afternoon?

B No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _. I didn't see _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that I liked.

A Where are the keys?

B They're _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the kitchen.

A _ told Eva about the party. Was it you?

B Me? No, I haven't said _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

IV. comparative adjectives and adverbs, as ... as

A. Write sentences using comparative adjectives and adverbs.

1 He's / happy / his wife

He's happier than his wife.

2 Spain is / hot / France


3 The sandwiches are / expensive / the drinks


4 David speaks Italian / good / Kim


5 Sydney is / far from London / Delhi


6 He's / tall/ brother


7 Claire works / hard / Sally


8 The traffic at 8.30 is / bad / the traffic at 9.30


9 Harry writes / quickly / Paul


10 Life in the city is / stressful/life in the country


B. Rewrite the sentences from a using not as ... as.

1 His wife isn't as happy as him. ............................

2 France .................................................................

3 The drinks ...........................................................

4 Kim .....................................................................

5 Delhi ...................................................................

6 His brother...........................................................

7 Sally.....................................................................

8 The traffic at 9.30................................................

9 Paul......................................................................

10 Life in the country.............................................

V. superlatives (+ ever + present perfect)

A. Write the opposite superlatives.

1 the most unfriendly the friendliest......................................................................

2 the most expensive ............................................................................................

3 the most exciting ............................................................................................

4 the most generous ............................................................................................

5 the most patient ............................................................................................

6 the loudest ............................................................................................

7 the most crowded ............................................................................................

8 the most hard-working ............................................................................................

B. Write the questions with the superlative form of the adjective and ever + present perfect.

1 Who / generous / person you / meet

Who 's the most generous person)!.ou've ever met ?

2 What / difficult / language you / learn

.................................................................................... ?

3 What / good / restaurant you / be to

.................................................................................... ?

4 What / expensive / gadget you / buy

.................................................................................... ?

5 What / cold / place you / visit

.................................................................................... ?

6 What / long / journey you / make

.................................................................................... ?

7 What / delicious / food you / eat

.................................................................................... ?

8 What / beautiful/place you / be / to

.................................................................................... ?

9 What / boring / film you / see

.................................................................................... ?

10 Where / far / you / be on holiday

.................................................................................... ?

VI. quantifiers, too, not enough

Choose the correct word or phrase for each sentence. Cross Ottt the wrong form.

1 The fish was delicious, but I found a little / a few bones.

2 A good diet can prevent lot of / a lot of illnesses.

3 'How was t he job interview?' 'It was OK. I wasn't too / enough nervous.'

4 I t hink I have enough money / money enough to pay for this.

5 How much / many milk do you drink?

6 You should be friendly, but not too / too much friendly.

7 Could I have a little / a few milk, please?

8 She spends too many / much money on shoes.

9 You don't do many / much exercise.

10 I can't t each children. I'm not patient enough / enough patient.

11 Too much / many chocolate isn't good for you.

12 How many / much hours do you study each day?

13 Don't spend too much / many time at the computer.

14 I couldn't finish the work because I didn't have time enough / enough time.

15 I have too many / much clot hes. I can never decide what to wear.

16 We're buying a little / a few things for our new flat.

17 Are you enough well / well enough to go to work today?

18 I'm going to have very little / very few free time this weekend.

19 He does a few / a little housework every day.

20 We buy too many / much vegetables. We never eat them all!

VII. will / won't (predictions)

A. Read sentences 1- 12 and match them to predictions a-I. Complete the predictions with will / won't. Use the verbs in brackets.

1 'I don't believe it. I've broken Sam's laptop.' [f]

2 'Marc's going to see a film in English tonight.' [ ]

3 'There's a new drinks machine in the office.' [ ]

4 'The teacher isn't going to be here tomorrow.' [ ]

5 'My brother's going to sell his car.' [ ]

6 'I've started going swimming every day.' [ ]

7 'Esther's going to buy another mobile phone.' [ ]

8 'My daughter has a degree in IT.' [ ]

9 'My new coat was really expensive!' [ ]

10 The meeting starts at 2.30.' [ ]

11 'I'm taking my driving test tomorrow.' [ ]

12 'We're going to Brazil next month.' [ ]

a 'He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _much money for it. It's very old.' (not get)

b 'Yes, and I'm sure it _ _ _ _ _ . really boring!' (be)

c 'Don't worry. You _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _easily.' (pass)

d 'Yes, but it _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _a long time.' (last)

e 'That's good. You _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _much healthier.' (feel)

.f 'Oh no. He'll be really angry.' (be)

g 'The coffee _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _very good.' (not be)

h 'He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ anything!' (not understand)

i 'Great! So we _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the exam!' (not have)

j 'Lucky you! You _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the people and the scenery.' (love)

k 'She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it, just like the other two.' (lose)

l 'She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a good job, I'm sure.' (get)

B. Read the conversations again. Are the predictions in a optimistic or pessimistic? Write 0 or P.
VIII. will / won't (promises, offers, decisions)

Complete the dialogues with will / won't or shall and the correct verb in bracket.

(ask, be, call, close, have, help, make, not forget, not happen, not tell, take, think )

1 A Please can you post this letter for me today?

It's very important.

B Don't worry, I won'tforfJet.

2 A I'm cold.

B _ _ _ _ _ _I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the window?

3 A It's a secret. You're the only person who knows.

B It's OK. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _anyone.

4 A Oh, hello Nina. I can't talk now. I'm at work.

B No problem. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _you back this evening.

5 A I bought this toy for my son's birthday, but it doesn't work.

B I'm going into town soon. _ _ _ _ _I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ it back for you?

6 A You're 15 minutes late!

B I'm very sorry. It _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ again.

7 A So, a mineral water and an egg sandwich. Anything else?

B Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I a packet of crisps, please.

8 A Please don't go!

B Don't worry. 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ back soon.

9 A I'm going to paint my flat at the weekend.

B I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you if you like.

10 A What are your plans for the summer?

B I'm going to travel around Italy. Why don't you come with me?

A Maybe! I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ about it.

11 A I've had a terrible day today.

B Sit down, and I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you a cup of tea.

12 A I'm nervous about the test tomorrow.

B OK. Give me the book. 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you some of the questions.

IX. Present, past, and future

Complete the correct form of the verbs in brackets, using: present simple, present ontinuous, past simple, past continuous, present perfect, BoinB to + infinitive, will ! won't + infinitive.

1 A Does your sister sometimes ger (get) angry with you?

B Only if take her clothes without asking.

2 A They _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not answer) the phone after six o'clock. The office is closed.

B OK, I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (call) them tomorrow.

3 A Our goalkeeper _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not play)

very well at the moment.

B That's strange. He's usually so good.

4 A Sorry, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not make) anything for

dinner yet.

B That's OK. I'm not very hungry.

5 A Have you decided what to do with your car?

B Yes, I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (sell) it next month.

6 A How _ _ _ _ _ they _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (get) home last night?

B They _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (get) a taxi.

7 A Oh, dear, I'm not very good at this.

B Don't worry. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (help) you.

8 A Do you know about the election results?

B Yes, I heard about them on the news when I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (drive) home.

9 A Coffee isn't very good for you, you know.

B Well, I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not drink) very much just one cup a day.

10 A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you ever _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (speak) to your mother about the problem?

B Yes, I have. But it was a long time ago.

11 A What _ _ _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (do) when I phone?

B I was having a shower.

12 A Where _ _ _ _ _ _ Jack _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(work)?

B He works in London.

13 A I'm A bit nervous about the injection, Doctor.

B Don't worry. It _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not hurt).

14 A Hi, can you talk now?

B Yes, I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not work) at the moment.

15 A I _ _ _ _ _ just _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (see) the new James Bond film.

B Did you like it?

A Yes, I did. But not as much as the last one.

16 A What _ _ _ _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (wear) to the party tonight?

B Probably black jeans and a white top.

17 A My plane is arriving at one o'clock in the afternoon.

B OK, we _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (meet) you at the airport.

18 A What _ _ _ _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (do) tomorrow afternoon?

B Nothing. Why?

A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (want) to see a film?

19 A What _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you (dream) about last night?

B I Can't remember!

20 A Where _ _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ _(take) this photo?

B When I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Walk) in the Himalayas.