Student’s Name: ................                                        Sex: ................          

 Level: ................                                                        Room: ................

Study Time: ................                                               Duration: (50 minutes)                              

Date: ......../......../2020                                                Total Score: ______________/20 marks

I. word order in questions

Put the words in the right order to make questions.

1 name / your/'s/what

What's your name ?

2 how / you / are / today


3 from / you / where / are


4 year/what / you / born / were


5 live / you / where / do


6 in/a/ flat / you / do/live/or/a / house


7 have / do / pets / you / any


8 any / can/other/ languages / you / speak


9 English / why / are/ studying / you


10 TV / you / do / what / watch / programs


11 use / how / computer / you / often/do/a


12 read / of /do/what / kind / magazines / you


13 breakfast / have / did / what / you / for


14 do / did / you / any / yesterday / sport


15 last / you / were / where / night/ten o'clock /at


II. present simple

Complete the sentences with the present simple of the verbs in brackets.

1 Why do you want to have straight hair? (you / want)

2 What …………………………………………… ? (his sister / look like)

3 How many really clever people ………………...? (she/know)

4 A Is that book funny?

B Not very. It ………………me laugh (not make)

5 I ……………….fish. (not,/eat)

6 Jon ……………. work at six o'clock. (finish)

7 My mother and I ……………………… very well (not get on)

8 ……………………........... to the gym every day? (they / go)

9 ……………………… fish or meat? (Lucy/prefer)

10 ……………………………………. blonde hair? (your sisters / have)

11 How ………………….after work? (you / relax)

12 A Is he talkative?

B Yes, he never …………. talking! (stop)

13 He ……….. in the evening (not study)

14 Excuse me, ………………… (you / live)

15 Yuri ………….a beard and a moustache. (have)

16 Clara …………….. yoga every day. (do)

17 We usually ……… at eight o'clock. (start)

18 My parents ………………..Facebook or Twitter. (not use)

19 He sometimes ……………. ………jeans. (wear)

20 …………………………………………..a car? (your girlfriend / have)

III. present simple or present continuous?

Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous of the verbs in brackets.

1 A Why are you taking (take) a photo of your guitar?

B. I ………………………(want) to sell it on eBay.

A Why? I ……………. ………….(not understand). You (play) your guitar every day! You ……………

(love) it!

B I …………….. (sell) my old one because I ……..

(want) to buy a new one.

A Oh, OK

2 A Hi. …………… (need) any help?

B No, thank. I ………….………… (just look).

A ……… …………(look) for anything in particular?

B Yes , I …………… (think) of getting a jacket.

A This is one of our bestsellers. It's real leather. I ……………(have) it and I …………… (wear) it all the time.

B Yes, it's lovely. Where can I try it on?

3 A You …………… (read) a book about modern art! I ……………(not believe) it!

B I know. But now I ……....(need) to learn about it.

A Why?

B Because my girlfriend ……………… (study) it at college this year and she loves it.

A What's that picture on the left? Can I see it?

B It's a woman, and I think she ……………..(walk) in a garden. I don't really know.

A Let me see. No, she ……..………….. (not walk). She ……………. (fly).

B Oh, yes!

IV. past simple regular & irregular verbs

Complete the dialogues with the past simple of the verbs in brackets.

1 A. Is this your first time in the UK, Anna?

B. No, I Had a holiday in Scotland last year.

A. Really? I love Scotland! Where …………you …….. (stay)?

B We …………… (stay) in Edinburgh. We ……… (book) a ………….. (not like) it. So we ……….…. (leave) that hotel and ………….….. (rent) an apartment. It was great! What about you? When …………. (be) you in Scotland?

A. Oh, a long time ago. I ………….(start) a university course there. I ………..(not finish) the course, but I ………… (love) Scotland.

2 A What's the problem, sir?

B Somebody ………… (take) my clothes and bag when I ……… (be) in the sea!

A When ……….this ………….. (happen)?

B I ………. (go) for a swim at 11 o'clock. I ……….

(not be) in the water for very long – about 15 minutes.

А ……… ………. (see) the person take your things?

B No. When I ………. (come) out of the water, my bag …………… (not be) there.

A What ……….You ……… (have) in your bag? Anything valuable?

B Yes! My mobile phone, credit cards.. Oh, (know) it was a bad idea to leave my bag on the beach...

3 A Ruth! You're back! …… ……. a good time?

B No, it ……… (be) awful.

A Why? What happened?

B We ………. (stay) in a really basic apartment, and Tom ………. (think) the city was dangerous at night, so we ………… (not go) out much in the evening.

A What ……….. you ………..(do) during the day? …………. You ………. (go) sightseeing?

B Yes, we visited all the famous places. But we ……….. (spend) a lot of money on food and we ……….. (argue) a lot about it. Tom ……… (buy) very expensive souvenirs for all his family! I …….

(not buy) anything.

V. Past continuous

A. Look at the pictures and write the sentences. Use the past simple and past continuous.

1 She saw the spider when she was

buying some fruit. (see, buy)

2 His mobile …………when he …………….. (ring, drive)

3 Neil ……….. late when his boss ………….

a speech. (arrive, make)

4 They ……….. football when it ………….. to rain. (play, start)

5 We …………..a party when I …………….. this photo. (have, take)

6 We …………….. the result when we …………… in France.(hear, travel)

B. Complete the story with the past simple or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

When Alex Jones 1arrived (arrive) at JFK International Airport, she …………. (look) around, but she …………. (not see) anybody there to meet her. A lot of people …………….. (hold) cards with names on

them, but they …………….. (not wait) for her. She

……………..(not know) what to do, but it ………..

(be) a beautiful, sunny day, so she ……………..

(decide) to go to the hotel on her own.

She…………….. (go) outside and ……………..

(look) for a taxi. A lot of people …………… (wait)

so she …………….. (catch) the airport bus into New York. The bus …………….. (stop) in Manhattan, quite near the hotel, and she ………… (get) off. She …………….. (walk) into the hotel and

…………….. (give) her name, Alexandra Jones. She …………….. (talk) to the receptionist when suddenly a man …………….. (run) up to her.

He …………….. (carry) a card which 20 (read) ‘Mr Jones’.‘Ms Jones? I’m terribly sorry! I ……………. (wait) for you at the airport, but I ……………..

(think) you …………….. (be) a man!’

‘That’s OK,’ …………….. (say) Alex. ‘It happens to me all the time!’

VI. Complete the story with the time sequencers and connectors in the list.

although (x2) because (x3) but (x2) next day, one evening, so (x3) suddenly, two minutes later, when

Don’t always listen to the sat nav…

Oscar Peters never wanted a sat nav 1because

he didn’t like technology. And …………….

his brother gave him one as a birthday present,

it directed him into a di-cult situation.

‘My brother Jez loves gadgets and

technology. Last year he gave me a sat nav

for my birthday, ……………. he knew I

didn’t really want one. Jez uses his sat nav all

the time ……………. he likes listening to

instructions, ……………. I prefer using a map. ……………. , a friend of a friend phoned.

She needed my help, ……………. I agreed

to drive to her house. ……………. I had a

map in the car, I decided to use the sat nav to

find her village. It was dark, and I wanted to get

there as quickly as possible. Everything was going fine. I was nearly

there, but then ……………. I saw there was a small river on the left. I could see that there was a road which went through the water to the other side of the river. The sat nav said ‘Turn left!’ …………….I followed the instruction and turned left into the water. The sat nav said ‘Go straight on!’, but ……………. my car was completely stuck in the mud. I had my mobile with me, …………….

I phoned my friend and she came to the river to help. I felt terrible ……………. she got very cold and wet in the water. ……………. , a tractor pulled my car out of the river, …………….it was completely ruined by the water. I can’t believe I made such a stupid – and expensive – mistake!’
VI.            be going to
A. Write a sentence with be + going to for pictures 1–8

B. Complete the dialogues with the correct form of be + going to and a verb from the list.

Do, have, get (x2) go, miss, not do, work

1 A We’re going to miss the plane!

B No, we’re not… Wait a minute.

A What are you doing?

B I ………………………. a trolley. I can’t carry all these bags.

2 A ……… you …………………. your homework this evening?

B No, I’m not. I’m really tired. In fact, I ………….

anything – just sleep!

3 A So, do you like it here in Oxford?

B Yes, we love it! But we’re only here for a short time. We’re going to visit lots of different places.

A Where ……….. you ……………………

B Liverpool. We ………………………………..

the train there.

4 A How’s your daughter?

B She’s fine, thanks.

A Does she have any plans for the summer?

B Yes. She ……………………….. in a bookshop for six weeks.

A ……….. she ………………………… a holiday?

B No, I don’t think she is

C. present continuous (future arrangements)

Write correct each sentences

1 he / meet Sam on Monday?

‘Is he meeting Sam on Monday?’ ‘No, he isn’t.’

2 When / he / go to the station?

‘When is he going to the station?’ ‘He’s going to the station on Sunday.’

3 Who / he / take to the hospital on Tuesday?


4 When / he / work?


5 he / have dinner with Frank on Monday?


6 What / he / do on Sunday morning?


7 What / he / do on Friday night?


8 When / he / go to the dentist?


9 What / he / do on Saturday morning?


10 When / he / play tennis?


11 Who / he / see on Saturday afternoon?


12 When / he / help his dad?


13 he / go to the theatre on Wednesday?


14 he / meet George at the museum?


15 What / he / do on Sunday afternoon?


I.                  defining relative clauses

1. A builder is a person who builds houses.

2. A hairdresser is somebody …………..……….. your hair.

3. A library is a place …………… you can read or …………….. books.

4. A campsite is a place ………… people …………. in tents.

5. Mugs are things ………… you …………. from.

6. An iPod is something …………..… you ……….. to music with.

7. An architect is someone …………. ………..…buildings.

8. An internet café is a place where you can send emails and have a coffee.

9. An art gallery is a place …………..… you …………..…paintings.

10. Trainers are shoes …………..… people …………..… for sport.

11. A bookshop is a place …………..… you …………..…books.

12. Scissors are things …………..… you use to …………..… paper with.

13. Lipstick is something …………..… you …………..…your lips.

14. A pilot is a person …………..… …………..…planes.

15. A tourist is a person …………..… …………..…another country.