Student’s Name: …………………....……                    Sex:……….               
 Level: ........................                                                    Room:………..
Study Time: ………………….                                      Duration: (50 minutes)                               
Date: ……/……/2020  

I. Passive
Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with present or past passive.

1 'Romeo Must Die' is based on 'Romeo and Juliet'. (base)
2 The symbol of the Olympic Games _ _ _ _ _ _ in 1912. (design)
3 All bags _ _ _ _ _ _ very carefully at airports these days. (check)
4 The Pyramids _ _ _ _ _ _ nearly 5,000 years ago. (build)
5 About 350 films _ _ _ _ _ _ at the Berlin Film Festival every year. (show)
6 P4 is a very small new moon which _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in 2011. (discover)
7 Seat belts _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in planes until the 1930s. (not use)
8 These suits _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by Elvis Presley. (wear)
9 The first smartphone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in 1992 by IBM. (invent)
10 Petanque _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a lot all over France. (play)
11 This _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by Picasso. (paint)
12 How _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ this name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? (pronounce)

 II. used to    

Write eight sentences using used to I didn't use to about what they were like in the past
1 He didn’t use to play the violin.
2 ............................................................. TV all day.
3............................................. any sport or exercise.
4 ......................................................... a suit and tie.
5 ......................................................... a beard and a
6 ..................................................... a bit overweight
7 ...................................................................... jeans.
8 ......................................................... healthy food.
9 ................................................................ long hair.
10 ............................................................ the guitar.

III. Might

Complete the dialogues with might or might not + a verb in bracket
(be (x2), buy, fall, go (x2), have, like, meet, phone, say)
1 A I think I might buy this T-shirt.
B Don't be silly. It's much too small for you.
2 A Are you going to go to the party?
B I'm not sure. My ex-husband _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ there and I really don't want to see him.
3 A What's this? It looks very strange.
B It's a special dish from my country. Try it, you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it.
4 A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to class tomorrow. I think I'll have to work late.
B OK. I'll text you and tell you what there is for homework.
5 A Are you going to be in this evening?
B I'm not sure. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ some friends for a drink.
6 A Look, Mummy, I can ride a bicycle without using my hands!
B Oh, be careful! You _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
7 A Where are you going for your holiday?
B I don't know. I'm really busy at work, so I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a holiday this year.
8 A Are you going to send Adam an email?
B No, I think I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ him. It's quicker.
9 A How are you going to get there?
B I by train ... but maybe it's better to drive ... I don't know ...
A Come on - you need to make a decision!
10 A Are you going to tell Anna about seeing Mike in the pub?
B I don't know. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ anything.
11 A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ late tomorrow. I'm seeing the doctor at 8.30.
B OK. Thanks for telling me.

IV. Expressing movement

A. Complete the sentences with a preposition of movement.
1 A police helicopter flew over the houses.
2 The rock star threw a TV ................. the window.
3 A bird flew ......................................... the bridge.
4 They danced ........................................... the fire.
5 The sheriff walked the .............................. saloon.
6 The cat ran .............................................. the wall.
7 The road goes …………….the village.
8 The boy is climbing ……………. the tree.
9 He jumped ……………… the swimming pool.
10 The dog swam ……………… the river.
11 The policemen fell ……………… the stairs.
12 The skiers are skiing..................... the mountain.

V. Word order of phrasal verbs

Complete each sentence with a phrasal verb. Use each word from brackets
(get (x2), go, look, pick, put, take, throw, turn, write)
(away (x2), down, for, off, on, on (x2), up (x2))

1 She's turning on the TV.
2 He's .................. his shoes.
3 They're .................. the questions.
4 He's .................. her books.
5 She's .................. for the weekend.
6 He's .................. his newspaper.
7 She's .................. her phone.
8 He's .................. early.
9 She's .................. her coat.
10 They're .................. well.
B. Circle the right answer. Tick (ü) if both are correct.

1 Can I try on this jacket / try this jacket on, please? ü
2 I can't hear the music. Can you turn it up / turn up it?
3 They're my sister's children. I'm looking after them / looking them after.
4 Jane called when you were out. Can you call her back / call back her?
5 Turn off your mobiles / Turn your mobiles off before the exam begins.
6 Your clothes are all over the floor. Please pick up them / pick them up.
7 I can't fmd my car keys. Can you help me look for them / look them for?
8 If! lend you the money, when will you pay me back / pay back me?

VI. So, neither + auxiliaries

1 A I don't like that new building much.
B Neither do I. It looks like a spaceship.
2 A I passed the exam!
B So did I! I got 92%.
3 A I can't swim, I'm afraid.
B .................... Perhaps we should have lessons.
4 A I'm not very hungry.
B ................. I'll just have a sandwich.
S A I've finished university.
B ................I'm looking for a job now!
6 A I didn't like the film.
B ................It was too slow.
7 A I was born in 1989.
B Really? ......................
8 A I don't have any brothers or sisters.
B ................... But I have lots of cousins.
9 A I'm going to stay at home this evening.
B ....................I'm quite tired.
10 A I have to go to work on Saturday.
B ....................I hate working at the weekends.
11 A I don't get on with Lydia very well.
B .................. We don't really have much n common.
12 A I got married in 2005.
B  But I got divorced a year later!
13 A I was working in London last year.
B .................. What a coincidence!
14 A I haven't been to South America.
B ............... but I'd love to go.
15 A I want to go to the beach today.
B .................It's a beautiful day.
16 A I won't go to that restaurant again.
B .................The food was awful.
17 A I'm going to stop using Facebook.
B ...............I spend too much time on it.
18 A I'd like to go to New Zealand.
B ...................They say it's beautiful.
19 A I'll do my homework on the bus.
B .................... It's very easy.
20 A I have a twin sister.
B ..................... That's amazing!

VII. Past perfect

Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use the past simple and past perfect.

1 When they got (get) to the station the train had already left (already leave).
2 She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (be) very cold because she _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not take) her coat.
3 The printer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not work) because he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not turn it on).
4 I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not can) take a photo of the crocodile because I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (forget) to charge the battery.
5 They _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(never fly) before and they _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(be) very nervous.
6 When he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (arrive) at the pool he realized he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not bring) his swimsuit.
7 She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(just have) dinner, so she _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not be) hungry.
8 She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (have to) pay again because she _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (lose) her ticket.
9 The waitress _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (run) after him because he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not pay) the bill.
10 The fire engine _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (arrive) after the fire _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (go out).
11 They _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (can) speak French because they _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (learn) it at school.
12 She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (be) tired because she _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (be) in the queue all night.

VIII. Reported speech

A. Change the direct speech to reported speech.
I can't see anything.
1 She said that she couldn't see anything.
I don't like the music.
2 He told her that ....................................................
I've done my homework.
3 He told his father that ..........................................
It'll be expensive.
4 The man said that .................................................
I'm not going to the party.
5 She said that .........................................................
I lost the match.
6 He told his wife that ............................................
I love you.
7 He told her that ....................................................
I've found your keys.
8 She said that .........................................................

B. Change the reported speech to direct speech.
1 She said that she wasn't very hungry.
I'm not very hungry.
2 The nurse told the man that it wouldn't hurt.
3 He told the police that it was his mother's car.
4 She said that she had finished her homework.
5 He told the instructor that he couldn't swim.
6 He told her that he would always love her.
7 They said that they wanted to check out.
8 He told the woman that he didn't speak English.

IX. Questions with and without auxiliaries

Make questions using the present simple or past simple. Then circle the correct answer.
1 Where / polar bears / live
Where do polar bears live? .............................................................. the North Pole / the Wouth Pole
2 Who / direct / the film Hugo in 2011
Who directed the film Hugo in 2011? ............................................ Woody Allen / Martin Scorsese
3 Who / paint / The Scream
......................................................................................................... ? Woody Allen / Martin Scorsese
4 Where / manga comics / come from
......................................................................................................... ? Japan / China
5 Who / invent / the World Wide Web
.................................................................................................. ? Bill Gates / Tim Berners-Lee
6 Which country / have / a blue and yellow flag.
......................................................................................................... ? Greece / Sweden
7 When / the Second World War / end
......................................................................................................... ? 1945/1955
8 Which country / win / t he 2010 World Cup
......................................................................................................... ? Italy / Spain
9 Which superhero film / Christopher Nolan in 2008 / direct
...................................................................................................... ? Elektra / The Dark Knight
10 How many countries / belong to / the United Nations
......................................................................................................... ? 127/193
11 Who / Tom Cruise in 2006 / marry
................................................................................................ ? Katie Holmes / Penelope Cruz
12 Where / people / speak / Yoruba
......................................................................................................... ? West Africa / East Africa