Student’s Name: …………………....……                    Sex:……….               
 Level: Preparatory 2                                                      Room:………..
Study Time: ………………….                                      Duration: (50 minutes)                               
Date: ……/……/2020                                                    Total Score: ______________/20 marks

I. Circle the correct answer, a, b, or c.

1 My brother _ _ _ _ _ _ a job at the moment.

a hasn’t b don’t have c doesn’t have

2 _ _ _ _ _ _ Mr. Roberts live here?

a Does b Is c Do

3 My dad _ _ _ _ _ _ at the university.

a teachs b teaches c teach

4 I _ _ _ _ _ _ to the movies with Katie

tonight. I’ve bought the tickets.

a go b will go c ’m going

5 I _ _ _ _ _ _ back from New York this morning.

a flied b flown c flew

6 He didn’t _ _ _ _ _ _ the vacation very much.

a like b liked c likes

7 What _ _ _ _ _ _ you do if there were a snake in your room?

a will b would c did

8 A I’m thirsty.

B _ _ _ _ _ _ get you a drink.

a Will I b I going to c I’ll

9 A I have a new cell phone.

B I’m sure you _ _ _ _ _ _ it, just like your last one.

a ’ll lose b ’re losing c lose

10 A Would you like something to eat?

B No, thanks, _ _ _ _ _ _ lunch.

a I’ve already had b I already have had

c I’ve had already

11 Have you ever _ _ _ _ _ _ to Paris?

a been b go c went

12 The traffic is _ _ _ _ _ _ than it used to be.

a badder b worse c more bad

13 Cycling isn’t as dangerous _ _ _ _ _ _ skiing.

a as b than c that

14 I _ _ _ _ _ _ a shower when the water stopped working.

a took b was taking c were taking

15 I’ll come to your party if I _ _ _ _ _ _ work early enough.

a finish b will finish c finished

16 You drive much _ _ _ _ _ _ than me.

a slowly b slowlier c more slowly

17 If I _ _ _ _ _ _ you, I’d look for a new job.

a was b am c were

18 My bike _ _ _ _ _ _ last week.

a is stolen b was stolen c stole

19 We were too late. When we arrived at the station, the train _ _ _ _ _ _.

a already left b had already left c has already left

20 “I love you.” He said he _ _ _ _ _ _ her.

a loved b love c is loving

II. Read about Fernanda. Then look at the bold phrases. Put a check (✓) next to the phrases that are right and correct the wrong ones.

My name’s Fernanda. I’m 26 and I’m from Brazil.                                 ……….. ✓.........

I am born in Recife and I live there all my life. I was born                     .............................

I’m married. My husband name’s Pedro. He’s from Recife, too.            ............................

We don’t have some children. We live with Pedro’s parents in               ............................

their apartment, and I get along with them very well, but                       ............................

we’d like having our own place. We are looking an apartment for at     ................................

the moment. I work for a bank and Pedro is engineer.                            ................................

We both work very hardly, but we don’t have do the housework.          ..............................

Pedro’s parents are retired, so they help us to take care of the house.    ............................

I don’t have many free time, but when I have the chance                       ............................

I enjoy listening to music. I used to play the piano,                                ................................

but now I don’t have time enough. I’m learning English because          ............................

I need it for my job. My speaking is OK, but I want be                          ............................

better at writing. I have to write letters and e-mails in English               ............................

and I make often mistakes.                                                                      ............................

Next summer I’m going to go to the US for take an economics course.  .........................

III. Present tenses: simple and continuous

A. Circle the correct form of the verbs.

LAURA What do you study / are you studying?

VICTOR Political science.

LAURA I major / I’m majoring in social anthropology. Where do you come / are you coming from?

VICTOR I’m from Lima, in Peru.

LAURA How many hours of classes do you have / are you having a day?

VICTOR It depends / It’s depending on the day, but usually four.

Do you go / Are you going to the party tonight?

LAURA Do you mean / Are you meaning the one for new students? I can’t, because I need / I’m needing to get organized tonight. I move / I’m moving to a rented apartment tomorrow.

VICTOR Where do you live / are you living right now?

LAURA I stay / I’m staying with friends.

VICTOR What do you do / are you doing on Sunday afternoon? If you want / are wanting, we could meet and look around the city.

LAURA I meet / I’m meeting some friends in the afternoon. What about Sunday morning?

VICTOR Fine. Where should we meet?

B. Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses: simple present or present continuous.

Maggie Hello Jo, what a surprise! What are you doing here?

Jo The same as you probably! I_ _ _ _ _ _ _(buy) a few things for dinner.

Maggie How are things? Are you still working at the same p[ace?

Jo Yes, but I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not, like) it very much. My boss depends on me for everything. The worst thing is that she always _ _ _ _ _ _ _(get) the credit and I _ _ _ _ _ _ _(do) all the work!

Maggie That _ _ _ _ _ _ _(sound) terrible. ­_ _ _you _ _ _ _ _ _ _(have) to go back to work this afternoon?

Jo No, I only work until lunchtime on Fridays because I always _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (have) lunch with my friend Paula. She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not, work) on Fridays, so we usually _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (meet) at that nice little Italian restaurant in town. _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ _ _ _(want) to come?

Maggie I’d love to but I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (need) to get home. My sister _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (stay) with us for a few days. Some other time!

Maggie I’d love to but I need to get home. My sister is staying with us for a few days. Some other time!

IV. Future forms

a) Complete the sentences using the verb in brackets plus will, shall, going to, or use the verb in the present continuous. Write the answers in the column on the right and use contractions where possible. Sometimes two answers are possible.

1. Person A: I can hardly lift this suitcase.

Person B: Wait. I ´ll help you with it! (help)

2. We __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on 3rd June at 5:30 p.m. We hope you can come! (get married)

3. I´ve decided that I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a new job. (look for)

4. Person A: Do you want to come to Dave´s on Thursday?

Person B: I can´t. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dinner with Sam. (have)

5. My brother´s having a baby so I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ an aunt in a couple of weeks. (be)

6. That little boy´s cycling too fast. He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ off. (fall)

7. Person A: Can I tell you a secret?

Person B: Of course. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ anyone. (not tell)

8. Person A: What time is their flight arriving?

Person B: I´m not sure. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ online. (check)

9. Meg didn´t study for the exam so she doesn´t think she _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it. (pass)

10. Did I tell you that we _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ skiing in the Alps next week? (go)

11. Person A: Is the air conditioning on? I´m freezing.

Person B: Yes, I think so. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it off? (turn)

12. I hate it when people take photos of me without telling me. Please promise you _ _ _ _ _ _ any more! (take)

13. Person A: Your girlfriend´s really nice.

Person B: Yes, she is. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ her to my parents next week. (introduce)

14. Sorry, but I can´t help you now. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ shopping. (go)

15. Do you think you_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ work late tonight¹ (finish)

V. Present perfect and past simple

Circle the correct verb.

1 Mike So, where shall we go for our honeymoon?

Gina I don't know. Maybe somewhere in North Africa. Have you ever been / gone to Morocco?

Mike Yes, I’ve been / I went there.

Gina I didn't know that. When have you been / did you go there?

Mike The year after I have finished / finished university.

Gina What about Egypt?

Mike I’ve been / I been there, too.

Gina Who have you been / did you go with?

Mike With an ex-girlfriend. But we only have been / went to Cairo. Let's go there.

Gina No, let's go somewhere else.

A How long have you been married, Glenn?

B Twenty-two years! Maxine and I _ _ _ _ _ (have) our wedding anniversary three weeks ago.

A Where _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (you, meet)? At university?

B No, it _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (be) long before that. Actually, we _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (go) to the same school. We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (know) each other for a long time. What about you?

A I'm divorced. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (get) divorced a year ago.

B How long _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (you, be) married?

A Just a couple of years.

B So, you're on your own now?

A Yes, but I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (just, meet) someone new and I really like her.

2 A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (you, teach) English abroad before, Ms Jenkins?

B Yes, I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (teach) from 2009-2011 in Bolivia, and I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (just, come) back from a four-month job in Columbia.

A How long _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (you, be) a language teacher?

B Exactly six years. Before that I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (be) a primary school teacher.

A Do you have any post-graduate qualifications?

B I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (start) an MA in Linguistics with the Open University last year, but I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not, finish) it yet.

VI. Present perfect + for I since present perfect continuous

A. Look at the pictures. What have they been doing? Use the present perfect continuous.

Use contractions where possible.

1 He's been cooking.

2 She .................................. the violin since she got up this morning.

3 Melanie .................................. well since last week. She has flu.

4 You .................................. at her for hours. Go and talk to her!

5 Your face looks like a tomato! What ...................................?

6 Tim .................................. the instructions for hours.

B. Complete the questions and answers \vith the present perfect sin1ple, or the present perfect continuous, and jot or since. Use contractions where possible.

1 A How long has he been waiting to speak to someone? (he / wait)

B He 's been waiting for a half an hour.

2 A How (you / work)

B I ..................... here .....................three months now.

3 A How long ................................ with Rob? (you / go out)

B We ................................................we left school.(go out)

4 A How long ................................................. single? (Penny / be)

B I think she ................................................ she broke up with Paul.

5 A How long ................................................ your driving licence? (you / have)

B I it ................................................ten years.

6 A How long ................................................ to find a job? (Pete / try)

B He ................................................he left university last year, but no luck! 7

7 A How long to be a doctor? (your sister I want)

B She ................................................ to be a doctor ................................................she was seven years old.

8 A How long ................................................ Terry? (you I know)

B I ................................................ him ................................................ years. He's an old friend of the family.

VII. comparatives and superlatives

Tick ( ✓ ) the sentences that are right and correct the wrong ones. Write the answers in the column on the right.

1 Cycling to work is more quickly than walking. Quicker.........

2 Olga drives more carefully than Bill. ……✓………

3 My dad has least hair now than he had five years ago. ......................

4 Now I’ve tried them on, these shoes are more comfortable that

I thought they were going to be. ......................

5 In this photo you look more young than your sister. ......................

6 Taxis are much more expensive than buses or the Underground. ......................

7 Anne’s not as tall as Susie, but she’s thinner. ......................

8 My phone is moderner than yours. It’s got a better camera. ......................

9 I love riding my scooter, it’s much more better than driving a car. ......................

10 Can you say that again more slowly, please? I didn’t understand a word! ......................

11 It’s the most beautiful beach I’ve never been to. The sea looks amazing. ......................

12 Sean’s the worse actor in the group, but he’s the best singer. ......................

13 What’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to you? ......................

14 Everyone thinks their mum’s cooking is the best of the world. ......................

15 Which sofa looks the more nice do you think? The blue one or the red one? ......................

16 I think we should take this case. It’s the biggest one that we have. ......................

17 It’s usually hoter here in June than it is in May. ......................

18 Did you go to the same school than your brother? ......................

19 That restaurant over there is fantastic. It’s cheap and

you can eat as many food as you like. ......................

20 I read a lot faster than my brother. I’ve finished the book, and

he’s still on page 30. ......................

VIII. Articles: a / an, the, no article

Complete the sentences with: a / an, a / an, the, no article

1 Did you remember to lock _ _ _ _ _ kitchen door before we left?

2 I Shouldn't drink _ _ _ _ _ coffee. It keeps me awake at night.

3 Can you turn on _ _ _ _ _ air conditioning? It's boiling in here!

4 Jane is allergic to _ _ _ _ _ cats. She starts sneezing when one comes near her.

5 Terry and Charlotte are going away _ _ _ _ _ next weekend

6 Are these _ _ _ _ _ keys you were looking for?

7 I Wasn't feeling very well yesterday so I didn't go to _ _ _ _ _ work.

8 _ _ _ _ _ river which runs through Paris is called the Seine.

9 I'm seeing Katie tomorrow. We haven't seen each other since _ _ _ _ _ last year.

10 It looks as if it's going to rain. Take _ _ _ _ _ umbrella!

11 Hurry up! You're going to be late for _ _ _ _ _ school.

12 I have a friend who is _ _ _ _ _ electrician. Do you want his phone number?

13 It's cheaper to buy _ _ _ _ _ books online than in a shop.

14 I don't like _ _ _ _ _people who talk about _ _ _ _ _ football all the time.

15 Luckily _ _ _ _ _ people who work in my office don't talk about _ _ _ _ _ sport at all.

16 My sister works in _ _ _ _ restaurant. She gets home from _ _ _ _ work late every evening.

17 What's your favourite meal of the day? _ _ _ _ breakfast or _ _ _ _ dinner?

18 That's _ _ _ _ easy question. I think I know _ _ _ _ answer.

19 Audrey has two children, _ _ _ _ boy and _ _ _ _ girl. _ _ _ _boy's ten and _ _ _ _ girl's two years younger.

20 _ _ _ _ good health is more important than _ _ _ _ money.
