Student’s Name: …………………....……                    Sex:……….               
 Level: Preparatory 2                                                      Room:………..
Study Time: ………………….                                      Duration: (50 minutes)                               
Date: ……/……/2020                                                    Total Score: ______________/20 marks

I. Can, could, be able to (ability and possession)

I. Can, could, be able to (ability and possession)

A. Circle the correct verb. Sometimes both verbs are possible.

Anyone for tennis?

 I love all sports and have always wanted to be able / can play tennis. So, last year, at the age of 45, I decided to learn. I was really happy when I found a teacher who was able to / could give me lessons and so I started. Unfortunately, after the first few lessons, I realized that I'd never can / be able to play this game. One of the problems was that I couldn't /wasn't able to move fast enough because I am not very fit. The ocher problem is that tennis is not an easy sport to learn quickly. I hated not can/ not being able to hit the ball over the net. It was really frustrating! Did I learn anything? Yes, I did ... that I'll never be able to /can play tennis!

It’s never too late

My 78-year-old grandfather couldn't /wasn't able to even turn on a computer until about two years ago. All that changed when he decided that he wanted to can / be able to use the internet and he did a course at his local Adult Education Centre. Although he really enjoyed the course, he couldn't /wasn't able to put what he learnt in his classes into practice because he didn't have a computer. So, for his birthday I bought him his own laptop and that's when he really started learning! Now, he 'sable to / can use the internet really well and sent emails. What he loves most is can /being able to speak and see his grandchildren on Skype at least once a week. They live in Australia and if he didn't have a computer, he couldn't / wouldn't be able to keep in touch with them so much.

B. Complete the sentences with can/ can't or could / couldn't. If a form of can/ could isn't possible, complete the sentence with a form of be able to.

1 At the end of the six-week course, you'll be able to design your own website.

2 Masha called me yesterday because she ………… remember how to get to my house.

3 Simon isn't going to …………………… finish the report by the end of the day.

4 Pierre has passed his driving test so now he …………………… drive his father's car.

5 I haven't …………………… speak to Harry for over three weeks. He never answers his phone.

6 The train was delayed so I……………………get to the meeting on time.

7 Miriam hates not …………………… play chess as well as Luke. He always beats her and she's a really bad loser!

8 Sometimes when you're on Skype you ………………… hear the other person very well.

9 …………………… do what you like is the best thing about a holiday.

l0 I'm afraid I won't …………………… go away this weekend. I'm too busy.

11 You should …………………… do this exercise without any help. It's quite easy.

12 We …………………… park here: there are no spaces.

II. Modals of obligation: must, have to, should

A.  Circle the correct verb. Sometimes both verbs are possible.

1 No, thank. I mustn’t / shouldn’t eat any more cake. I am on a diet.

2 You mustn't/ don't have to tell anyone what I've just told you. It's a secret.

3 Living at home is great. I mustn't/don't have to do anything because my mum does it all for me!

4 You must/have to get a visa if you want to go to Cuba.

5 You should/have to do your homework on Saturday morning. That way you'll have the rest of the weekend free.

6 Jerry doesn't have to/ mustn't get up early this morning. He isn't going to work.

7 It's Meg's birthday tomorrow. I mustn't/shouldn't forget to ring her.

8 You mustn't/don't have to touch electrical things when your hands are wet. It's very dangerous.

9 I think you should/must go to bed early tonight. You look really tired.

B. Complete the sentences with must, mustn't have to, or don't have to. Sometimes two answers are possible.

 1  You have to pay  for food and drinks separately.

2  You ............. drive at more than 70 mph.

3  Service is included so you ............. leave a tip.

4  You ............. wait here before showing your passport.

5  You ............. pay on Sundays.

6  You ............. fasten your seatbelt now.

7  You ............. leave your bags unattended.

8 You ............. leave your hotel room before 12 0'clock.

III. past tenses

Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: past simple, past continuous, or past perfect.

This story  happened (happen) to me about five years ago and it's probably the worst thing that's ever happened to n1e vvhile driving a car. I had bought (buy) my car the week before and I ……………. ….. (still feel) very excited about it. It ………………… (not have) air conditioning but that ………………… (not n1atter) to me because it was my first ever car! I ………………… (know) that n1y best friend Penny ………………… (always want) to visit a picturesque little village in the mountair1s about 150 kilometres from where we live, so I……… (call) her and ……… (tell) her that I would take her there the following day. It was a perfect, warm spring day. The sun …………… (shine) and the sky was blue. While I …………… (drive)and we………………… (chat), I ………… (see) something out of the corner of my eye. It was a wasp which …………(fly) into the car! Penny and I both …………… (try) to kill the wasp which ………………… (buzz) around inside the car. But the wasp suddenly ………………… (disappear). Then I ………………… (feel) a pain in my arm: the wasp ………………… (sting) me! I forgot that I ………………… (drive), and ... BANG! I ………………… (crash) into the car in front of us. Nobody was hurt but that was tl1e end of our day out and of my car.

IV. Usually and used to

                                    Then                                                          Now

Occupation                  university students                                   Pierre: photographer, Lucie: journalist

Residence                   Paris, France                                             Chicago, the USA

Hopes and dreams            be rich                                                be healthy and happy together

Eating habits               ate tinned food                                         mostly home-made food

House                       lived with their parents                             penthouse flat with their dog

Holidays                    camping                                                  normally stay in 4- or 5-star hotels

Sport                       didn't play sport                                        both cycle at the weekend.

                                                                                                 Pierre often plays golf to network

Vehicle                        both rode bikes; Pierre an old scooter       a Mercedes. Pierre sometimes rides his Harley


Clothes                        second-hand                                              often designer clothes, but not always 

Body type                   slim                                                            Pierre: putting on weight

Weekends               got up late, went out at night with friends       normally stay in, cook, and watch TV

Friends                        lots of friends                                            just a few close ones

A complete the sentences with used to, didn't use to, o r the present simple. Use usually where appropriate, although it is not always possible.

1 Pierre and Lucie usually cycle at the weekend.                                                                                   cycle

2 Pierre .................. as a photographer.                                                                          work

3 They .......... ............... in Paris any more.                                                                   not live

4 They ............ ............. of being rich.                                                                          dream

5 They .............. ........... home-blade food when they were students.                           not eat

6 They ................ ......... their meals at home now.                                                       cook

7 They ............... .......... with their parents.                                                                   live

8 They ............... .......... in expensive hotels these days.                                              stay

9 Pierre ............ ............. golf when he was a student.                                                 not play

10 Pierre ........... .............. his old scooter anymore; he has a Harley Davidson.         not ride

11 They .............. ........... designer clothes, but not all the time.                                  wear

12 He .................. .......very slim.                                                                                  be

13 They .............. ........... at the weekend and watch TV.                                             stay in

14 They ............. ............ lots of friends.                                                                      Have

V. The passive be + past participle

A. Circle the correct form, active or passive

My favorite film: Spider Man

       The Spider-Man movies based / are based on the Marvel Comics character Spider-Man, who is the alter-ego of Peter Parker, a photographer who works for a local newspaper, the Daily Bugle.

When he is young, some important documents steal / are stolen from Peter´s home, and his parents then mysteriously disappear / are disappeared. Peter sends / is sent to live with his aunt and uncle. Here, he starts a new school, a new life, and becomes interested in science.

       One day, he´s in the school laboratory doing some experiments and he bites / is bitten by a genetically modified spider. From that moment, he has the same abilities as a spider. During the films he fights / is fought against criminals and falls / is fallen in love with his schoolmate, Gwen Stacey.

       The special effects for the latest Spider-Man movie made / were made with a special 3D-camera. The fantastic soundtrack was partly written by the British group Coldplay and thousands of copies of the track have bought / have been bought all over the world.

B. Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. Write the answers in the column on the right.

1 I was given (give) a book for my birthday that I´d already read.

2 If you take a credit card with you oh holiday, I´m sure it ……………… (accept) in most places.

3 This dress is silk. It has to ……………… (wash) in cold water or it will shrink.

4 The actress realized that she ……………… (follow) by the paparazzi, so she drove home again.

5 A: ……… the thief ……………… (catch) yet?

   B: I don´t think so. The police are still looking for him.

6  .…… you ever ……………… (tell) a secret that you couldn´t keep?

7 This bank ……………… (rob) twice since it opened last year.

8 When Jack arrived at the meeting, the decision ……………… (already make).

9 Our flat ……………… (paint) at the moment. Everything´s in a real mess!

10 Although Pete thought the interview had gone really well, he ……………… (not offer) the job.

11 When does this book have to ……………… (return) to the library?

12 When we got to the car park we saw to our horror that our car ……………… (steal).

VI. Modals of deduction: might I may, can't, must

A. Circle the correct verb.

A Don't look now but isn't t hat Jane Marshall over there? B Where?

A At that table by the window.

B No, it must / can’t be. She went to live in     Chicago.

A But I'm sure it's Jane.

B Mmm, I suppose it can't / might be her. But if it   is, she looks much thinner than she used to.

A Well it must / can't be five years since we last saw her. Someone can change a lot in five years!

B You're right, it is Jane. But who do you think the man is? He can't / might not be her husband, can he?

A No, he can't / might not be. They broke up years ago and   haven't spoken to each other since.

B It can / may be her new boyfriend - or her son!

A Shall we go over and find out?

B. Complete the dialogues with must, might, might not, or can't.

1 A That's the second laptop that Jack's bought this year.

B He must have a lot of money then!

A He's a student so he ……….. be that rich.

B He ………..have generous parents then.

2 A Do you know where Charlie is?

B Well, he ……….. be far away. His phone's on the


A Any idea where he ………..  be?

B He ……….. be talking to the boss or he ………..

 be in t he photocopying room. Do you want me to go and look for him?

3 A I have a missed call and I don't recognize the number.

B So, it ……….. be from anyone you know.

A Ah, I know! It's t hat company who interviewed me last week. They ……….. be ringing to offer me the job. I'm not surprised: I did a really good interview.

B Well, don't be too confident because they ……… be calling to say you didn't get the job.

A There's only one way to find out!

4 A This steak ……….. be for me. It looks like it's medium-rare, and I asked for a well-done steak.

B It ……….. be mine, then. I ordered a medium-rare steak.