Student’s Name: …………………....……                    Sex:……….               
 Level: Preparatory 2                                                      Room:………..
Study Time: ………………….                                      Duration: (50 minutes)                               
Date: ……/……/2020                                                    Total Score: ______________/20 marks

I. first conditional and future time clauses

A. Complete the correct form of verb in simple present, imperative, or will + infinitive as possible.

Annie 8:05


How’s it going? I’m studying so hard, but I need a break. Do you want to meet tomorrow evening? We could get a pizza and catch up.

I’ll call (call) you when I ......... (get) home, OK?

Katie 8:08

Hi, Annie! I’m studying too!!! My history final is tomorrow afternoon. I’m really worried about it. OK for tomorrow evening, but not too early. I ...................... (send) you a message when the exam ...................... (finish).

Annie 8:09

OK. ................. (come) to my place as soon as you ..................... (can). We can order pizza :)

Katie 8:10

OK. But..................(not call) the pizza place until I ................ (get) there. I might be late. I’ve been thinking, if you .................. (be) free when all our finals ....................(be) over in a couple of weeks, why don’t we go away somewhere to celebrate?

Annie 8:11

Great idea! We could go away for a few days to relax!!

But I ................. (not able to) go away unless I .............. (pass) all the exams :( We can talk about it when we ................(see) each other tomorrow night.

Katie 8:13

OK. Time to get back to work. If I ................... (not study) a little more tonight, I .................. (not have) any chance of passing history tomorrow. Wish me luck!!

II. first and second conditionals

A. Complete the correct for of verb in bracket to make second conditional sentences.

1 If we rented (rent) that big apartment, we have'd have (have) enough room for the dog

2 I ............... (buy) a huge house with a yard if I .............. (win) the lottery.

3. If you ................ (paint) this room white it ............. (be) much lighter.

4 .............. (do) it myself if I .............. (have) more time.

5 I.................. (not be) so broke if I ................... (spend) so much on going out.

6 Maybe if I ................. (share) an apartment with friends, I .............. (get along) better with my arents.

7 I ............. (can) travel next summer if I ............. (have) more money.

8 Carla ............ (move) out of her shared apartment if she ............ (find) a job.

9 If my girlfriend ................ (not have to) work so hard, we ............... (can) see each other more often.

10 If I ............ (go) to bed earlier, I ................ (not be) so tired all the time.

B. Complete the sentences with a verb from the bracket to make the first or second conditional.

(be, buy, find, get, go, never, finish, not be, not hurry, reduce, take)

1 If they ..don’t hurry.. they’ll miss the bus.

2 If we had the money, we .... ..................... a beautiful house in the country.

3 Lisa will have a lot of fun when she ................ .......... to Germany to study next year.

4 Unless they ......... .................. the price, they'll never sell their house.

5 If I were you, I ..... .................... the dress back to the store. it just doesn't suit you.

6 Annabel will look for a job as soon as she .......... .............. her degree.

7 If it ....... .................. so windy, we could go for a walk on the beach.

8 If you ....... .................... some extra money in your bank account, would you spend it?

9 You ............ ............ your homework if you keep chatting with your friends on Facebook.

10 Sarah ....... ................... upset if she doesn't find her necklace. We have to help her look for it.

III. Reported speech: sentences

Complete the journalist’s report with correct tense.

Journalist Firstly Mike, thank you very much for agreeing to this interview, I know you're a busy man. You have the leading role in the latest Kathryn Bigelow film. What is it like working with her?

Mike You can't begin to imagine what a fantastic experience it is. In fact, it has been an honour to work with her. However, I have to say that it wasn't easy at first, because filming started at 7.00a.m every day for the first three weeks. I'm not a person who likes early starts!

Journalist Yes, I had heard that! What did you enjoy most about working with her?

Mike I loved the way that she could get all the actors, including me, to do exactly what she wanted us to do.

Journalist Are you going to be in any more of her films in the near future?

Mike It depends on Kathryn, but I hope will be. I'm really sorry but we must stop the interview now as I have a photo shoot at Vogue magazine.

Mike told me that it I .couldn’t begin to imagine what a fantastic experience working with Kathryn Bigelow …………………… . He also said that working with her …………… an honour. However, it ………....... easy at first because filming ………………… every day at 7.00 a.m. for the first three weeks. When I asked him what he most about working with Kathryn Bigelow, he told me that he ……………….. the way that she ……..

get the actors to do that it what she wanted. Finally, I asked Mike if he ………………. in any more of her films in the future. He said it ……………… on Kathryn, but he hoped he ………………. We then finished the interview because Mike said that he ……………… go to a photo shoot at Vogue magazine.

IV. Gerund and infinitive

A. Complete each sentence with Gerund or infinitive without to, infinitive with to

1 Emily's parents aren't strict enough with her. They let her ...............whatever she likes, (do)

2 I'm really busy right now. Would you mind ............ me back in about five minutes? (call)

3 My boss told me she wanted ............. to me in her office. (speak)

4 We decided ................. her a birthday present because we weren't sure what she wanted. (not buy)

5 Have you ever thought of .............. back to live in Edinburgh or are you happy in London? (go)

6 My neighbour offered ................. my children while I went to do some shopping. (look after)

7 Have you finished .............. the computer yet? I need it. (use)

8 .............. for people who are late makes me really angry. (wait)

9 My parents would like me ................ Medicine as a career. (consider)

10 I think Ben should study architecture. He's very good at ............. (draw)

11 Do you think you'd like ............ with children or would you find it too stressful? (work)

12 If They can save enough money, they're hoping ............. To Miami for their honeymoon (go)

13 Have you ever thought about ........... yoga or Pilates? They're very good if you have problems with your back. (do)

14 I was really surprised ............... that he'd failed the exam. I thought he was going to pass. (year)

15 Are you going to go on ............ English here next year? (study)

16 I want you ............. very seriously about what you're going to do after you lease university. (think)

17 I don't really feel like ............... tonight. Let's go out for dinner. (cook)

18 Don't pretend .............. the present if you don't. We can always change it for something else as I still have the receipt. (like)

19 ............. late at night always makes me .............. a bit uncomfortable. I just can't go to bed on a full stomach. (eat feel)

20 Angela asked her brother her a lift into town. (give)

V. Third conditional

Put the words in the correct order to complete the conditional sentences

1 would / scored / 'd / the / they / have / won / match

If he'd scored, they would have won the match

2 missed / here / on time / if / the film / have / been / you'd / We wouldn't

............................................................... .............................................................

3 offered / you / 'd / have / it / the job / you / would / taken / If they

.............................................................. ..............................................................

4 finished / if / fallen / she / the race / have over / hadn't / Ella would

........................................................... .................................................................

5 me / smiled / have / told /a photo / were taken / 'd / you / I / If you'd

........................................................... .................................................................

6 known / that / eaten / you / was / what / have / in it / if / 'd / You wouldn't

....................................................................... ..........................................................

VI. Quantifiers

Circle the correct answer for each bracket.

A After four years of your party in power, it's time for a change.

We're the party to do that. The country has .................. (a lot / many) of problems and we know how to solve them. Firstly, there's ............. (too many / too much) unemployment. Secondly, there aren't .................. (no / enough) teachers in our state schools and thirdly. there's ............ (any / no) Money left for pensions!

B What you have to remember is that this situation is a direct result of your party's policies when you were in power. We've had ............. (very little / very few) time to repair the damage you caused. ...........(How many / How much) people voted for you in the last election? ……………! (very few / very little) And do you know why? Because the voters were fed up and so were .............. (much / a lot of) members of your own party!

A My dear friend, you really haven't any idea what you're talking about! You say you haven't had ........... (enough time / time enough). I say you don't have ……………… (no / any) original ideas!

B. I can assure you we have …………. (many / plenty) of ideas and that …………. (very few / very little) of them aren't original or effective.

A. Nonsense! ……………. (a little / a few) years ago when we were in power, our economy was stronger and we had …………… (very few / very little) unemployment. How do you explain that?

B You know that's not true and so do the voters. The people of this country are ……….. (too / enough) intelligent to believe your lies.

A The problem is that your party spends …………….. (too / too much) time insulting the opposition, and not ……………. (enough / many) time thinking of new ideas.

C Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen. I'm afraid we have …………… (any / no) more time today..
