Man : This is a lovely restaurant, Madonna.

Madona: This is one of the best temperature restaurants in Kyoto.

Woman : The food is really delicious.

Man : Would you like something to drink Madonna?
           Perhaps some hot sake or Japanese green tea?

Madona: Green tea would be wonderful.

Woman : Sake for me.

Madona: So, how was your day?

Woman : Oh, very good. It was fascinating.

Madona: What did you do?

Woman : In the morning, we saw the Imperial Palace.
                It was very interesting.

Man : Then, this afternoon we went to the Daitokuji temple. Complex, We had a wonderful lunch at the Zen restaurant.

Madona: Oh, glad! You found it.

Woman : Then we visited the Golden Pavilion - it's so beautiful, and then we walked around the Zen garden on the grounds of the Ryoanji temple.

Madona: Oh, yes, it really is a wonderful place.
