Waiter : Good afternoon. Do you have a reservation?

Man    : Yes, we do. My name is Sokheang.

Waiter : Yes, sir. The table for two.

Man    : That's right.

Waiter : Would you like smoking or non-smoking?

Woman  : Non-smoking, please

Waiter : Are you ready to order?

Man    : Yes, we are.

Waiter : What would you like to start with?

Woman  : I'd like the melon, please.

Waiter : One melon. And for you, sir?

Man    : What exactly is the soup of the day?

Waiter : It's gazpacho, sir. speciality it's cold tomato soup.

Man    : Cold soup! Oh.. maybe not .
      I'll have the Caesar salad, please.

Waiter : Certainly, sir. And as an entree?

Woman  : I'd like the baked salmon, please.

Waiter : Anything do you orders with that?

Woman  : Yes. A side salad, I guess.

Waiter : One salmon and one side salad. OK.
      And for you, sir?

Man    : I'd like roast beef, please.

Waiter : Yes, sir. What would you like with that?

Man    : Ah... I'll take an order of green beans - and a baked potato, please.

Waiter : Certainly, sir. And what drinks would you like to drink?

Man    : What would you like, honey?

Woman  : I'll have a glass of white wine, darling!

Man    : And could I have an iced mineral water, please?

Waiter : Certainly, sir. Is that everything?

Man    : That's all, thank you.

Waiter : Thank you, sir. .. Madam. Your order won't be long.
