Receptionist and Customers

Receptionist 1 : Welcome to ............... .Restaurant. Would you like up stair or dorwIn stair madam?

Customers : Up stair, please. is it better than down stair?

Receptionist 1 : Sure, you will be with smooth music and a nice view.

Customers : Ok!

Receptionist 1: Go this way, please

Receptionist 2: Excuse me, how many people come with you?

Customers : Six And I like the verandah, please.

Receptionist 2 : Take a seat, please.

Customers : Thanks a lot.

Receptionist 2: Here are the drink menus for you, please.

Customers : Thanks.

Receptionist 2 : Which drinks would you like to order?

Customer 1 : I would like an apple juice.

Receptionist 2 : And how about you, sir?

Customer 2 : I would like to have a tiger draught.

Receptionist 2 : And which drinks would you like, madam?

Customer 3 : I would like an orange juice, please.

Receptionist 2 : Excuse me may I repeat your order again, please?

Customers : You are fine.

Receptionist 2 : You order an apple juice, a tiger draught and an orange juice are these alright?

Customers : These are correct.

Receptionist 2 : Wait a few minutes, please.

Receptionist 2 : Is an apple juice for you?

Customer 1 : It is for me, please.

Receptionist 2 : How about Tiger draught?

Customer 2 : It's mine !

Receptionist 2 : Is it for you?

Customer 3 : Yes, it is.

-Receptionist 2 : Enjoy your drinking please.

Customer 1 : Waiter come here, please!

Receptionist : How may I help you?

Customer 1 : May I have the food menu, please?

Receptionist : There you go, please. / Here you are, please.

Customer 2 : Thanks you.

Receptionist : What would you like for your meal, please?

Customer 2 : I'd like Fried Ginger with Chicken, please.

Customer 1 : I'd like Grilled Beef with mushroom sauce.

Customer 3 : I'd like Spaghetti Bacon with meat sauce.

Receptionist : And how about something after meal?

Customer 1 : We're calling you later.

Receptionist : Mmm.. May I repeat your orders again, please?

Customers : You are fine.

Receptionist : You order Fried Ginger with Chicken, and you order Grilled Beef with mushroom sauce. And you order Spaghetti Bacon with meat sauce.

Customers : Of course.

Receptionist : They will be here after fifteen minutes. (15 minutes later)


Receptionist : Here you are, and is this yours?

Customer 2 : It's for me.

Receptionist : For you, please..... is it yours?

Customer 1 : May we have bill?

Receptionist : Wait a moment, please. ............Here is the bill for you.

Customer : That right? There you go.

Receptionist : Thank you..... The change for you.

Customer : That's for tip. Thank you for your good service.

Receptionist : Thank for coming, Lucky! I hope to see you later.

Customers : Bye! Bye!
