An american Restaurant

Waiter: Would you like something to drink with your meal, sir?

Man   : Yes, Now those having fish will probably prefer white wine?
            What about this white Lambrusco?

Waiter: That's a sparkling wine, sir.

Man   : Ah, not them. What do you suggest? Something that is not too dry.

Waiter: I can recommend the white Bordeaux, sir...that's the raves.
        It's quite dry but very popular. Or Pies Porter Michel Berg is fruity and medium dry.

Man   : OK, a bottle of the Graves. And now what is about red?  Something is please us all.

Waiter: Have you tried the house wine, sir? It's very good. Or may I suggest a Burgundy? This Fleurie is excellent.

Man   : Fine, we'lL have the Fleurie. We can always have a carafe of the house red later.

Waiter: Thank you, sir. Will that be all?

Man   : Oh, bring some mineral water, too, please.

Waiter: Certainly, sir.

Man   : Well, everyone, I've chosen the wine. Waiter, we ordered our drinks 20 minutes ago.

Waiter: I'm terribly sorry, sir. I'll see the wine waiter for you.

Man   : My steak is overdone. I asked for it rare.

Waiter: I'm sorry, sir, I'll change it for you.

Man   : Waitress, this is the worst soup I've ever tasted. It's terribly salty.

Waitress: I'll take it back to the kitchen, sir. Would you like to order something else?

Woman : Waiter, you have the slowest service in town.

Waiter: I'm sorry, madam. We're short-staffed tonight. I'll be with you in a moment.

Woman : I'm sorry, but I asked for my dessert without cream.

Waiter: So sorry, madam. One moment and I'll change it for you.

Man   : I don't like to complain, but this dish is completely uneatable.

Waitress: I'm sorry, sir. What exactly is wrong?

Man   : The meat is completely uncooked.

Waitress: I'll speak to the chef immediately, sir. Can I bring you something else?

Man   : Look at this glass, waiter. There's lipstick on it.

Waiter: My apologies, sir. I'll get you a new one.

Woman : Waiter, this is the draughtiest spot in the restaurant. Can you find us another table?

Waiter: One moment, madam, I'll see what I can do.
