2.       The North Door
This scene was said about on giant Ravana. That is his picture who had abducts Sita in the second time while she had been bathing. T mean, Rama and his younger brother Lekshanna attacked him, so that take her back.
a.       The right wing
This is the picture of Rama’s palace. His is discussion with his mother about leaving from palace. Why did he leave from his palace? Of course, he was expelled by his father. Anyways, his father wanted to promote Kalay’s son to enthrone. The middle part said about Rama and Sita were sleeping in the bed room. And below part said about the guarders who are talking about Rama’s father that had cut mind to exile the son and they thought that may be Kalay abetted.
b.       The left wing
This scene was said about Sita who burnt by Rama after she had been taken from Sirylangka city.
          Why was she burnt? Of course, Rama wanted to make ordeal to her whether she is still sincere or not. As you see, Rama had pointed his finger and then the flame was happened in that time and Rama thought that if Sita is safe as she was crossing into the flame. It implied that she the tailed of her dresses in the flame.