3.       The west Door
This scene was said about Virpheak who surrendered with Rama after he had got angry with brother Ravana the king of giant in Sirylanga city. Why was Virpheak angry with his bother? Of course, Ravana hit him on the head in   front of the faces of ministers and then Virpheak forbidden him to take the connection with Rama.
a.       The right wings
After Rama had killed the king of giant, he returned to his country by chariot. As you see, Rama is the middle, Sita is behind, but Laksmana is in front. Below part, we can see Hanuman and Virpheak. Why was his chariot decorated by swans below? Of course, it was symbolized of flying. Beside this, we can see the group of monkeys that are carrying like: coconuts, bananas and some of them are jumping up and down.

b.       The left wing

It was the view of the park Aksok where is the place of Sita was hidden. Who hid her there? Ravana did. Who is in front her? He is Hanuman who was the safe guarder of Rama. Who is behind her? She is the wife of Virpheak ( Socheata). Beside this, we can see many monster who have the human bodies, but their heads are Garuda, crocodile, duck,etc. where were they from? Of course, they were caught from the hell to protect Sita.