1. The East Door
This scene was taken from the Ramayana story which was the famous legend of Hindu. They wanted to say about the negotiation between Rama and Sugriva, so to the interment at the end of their plans. I mean, Sugriva had asked Rama to kill his brother in order-in to get influence.
a-/ the right wing
This is the picture of Vishnu who was coming back from that battle-field after he had killed his opponent. Who is standing on the palm of Garuda? She s the consort of Vishnu (Leakmy). They are many gods around him and they always took offering to offer in the name of the god protector.

b-/ the left wing
Who is sleeping on the snake? He is Vishnu. He always slept on the snake and his consort is massaging this legs.
Below part, they want to say about the procession of the gods who wanted to incarnation on the world.