Angkor wat was really build in the reign of King Suryavaraman II, in the early of the 12th century for dedicating to Brahmanism Like: Vishnu god of proctor, Brahma god of creator with four faces and Siva god of creator and destroyer, too.
            Amkor Wat the symbol of Meru Mountain which was the homage of the god Kings.
            The main point of Angkor Wat is five peaks and the rampart was surrounded by the moat outside. The rampart was represented the line of the mountain that was surrounding the temple and the moat was instead of the ocean around the mountain outside, too
            But, if we say about the function of Angkor Wat is the shrine which was enshrined the King’s ashes after he had died.
            Beside this, we can call Brahamist monastery also, because in that time the King or Mandarins or people always made the festival of the commemoration or worshipped there, too.
Angkor Wat Hs two entrances. The main cause way is at the west side, because it was used when the King had been escorted. Exception the east side. It is simple way which was transported something like: throne, palanquin, carpet and something else on three days before the Kinf wanted to go there.
            Notice, all the way that we built across the moat and decorated by Naga balustrade symbolized of Rain-bow Bridge.
1.      The first cause way. This cause way is 225m length, 12m width and 5m height. Many people asked me that, Is this part for keep right or is for keep left? Of course, this part is for keep right that was restored by French’s architect in 1960 and other on is keep left that original stone, because my government thought that all tourist like this one.
2.      After we have passed over the bridge, we can see three gates. The middle gates is walking gates and two other the elephant gates. Between the walking gates and elephant gates. There are two chapels that were placed in by the gigantic status of Vishnu that was garnishing with eight arms symbolized of the proctor of eight sides: East, South, West, North, South-east, South-west, North-east, and North-west. So, it is the main point that proving about the statue of Vishnu was worshipped by Brahmanist or King in the early of the 12th century.
3.      Anyways, as you see that part of the roof was destroyed by invader of Thai in 1430.
4.      These are pictures of Apsara. They are standing on the both side of the gate symbolized of welcoming to the tourists. I mean, when some wants to arrange the ceremony, they always choose the beautiful girls to standing on the both sides of the gate so that to invite the guests like the word:  “Come in please depict a little bit. I mean, this there are two groups of Apsara. One of them represented the greeting to the guest and other one represented the dancing for the guests.
5.      Before continuing, let me please depict a little bit. I mean, this is one point of the hole that you will ask me when you get up to Angkor Wat. And then Angkor Wat was finished by the King ordered to make the celebration in that time. The King and mandarin asked the founders to make these holes so that to put into b game, gold leaves and so on that they like to sacrificed, and then these holes were completed by sand-stone and carved the same friezes.
6.      This is the picture of Vishnu with eight arms symbolized of the protection eight sides. The both sides are his consorts Leaksmy (right) and Tevi ( left). But they were destroyed. 
7.         Got out please, and the look at one the wall that they decorated by the false windows with Apsaras are holding the stalks. And especially Apsaras are dancing on the different animals are represented the dancing for the god King. I mean, Apsara is dancing on the elephant for Indra god for thunderbolt, on the bull for Siva god of the creator and destroyer, on the buffalo for Yama god of justice, on the rhinoceros for Agi god of fire, on the peacock for Skanda god of war, on the Gsruda for Vishnu or Krishna god of protector on the world, on the swan for Brahma god of creator with four faces, on the horse for Prash Peay god of wind, on the lion for Bana god of thief and ect.
8.         The second cause ways, the cause way is 350m length. This cause way was decorated by Naga balustrade symbolized of Rain-bow Bridge. The both sides of this way we can still see two common libraries for simply people and two others for King or ministers.
9.         There are two pools on the both sides of this way. But both of them is now every shallow. Nowadays we still seen on pool that was planted the bountiful lotus and something was the place for tourists taking photo.
10.       This is the monastery temple that was made by the Buddhist monk. As you see many pictures of Buddha was drawn the wall of Buddhist temple they never drawn the pictures of Brahmanist on the Buddhist temple. Those are shrines that were built by Buddhist also.   I mean, when someone in the family was died, they always take that corpses to cremate at the crematorium and then they take ashes to burry in these shrines.
11.       That is the west terrace of Angkor Wat. It is very interesting place which was used by the King making the preaching to the people who had come to participate in per day of the ceremony. Above all, it is the place for the groups of Apsara were dancing on this place when the king bad been finished the preaching.
