Receptionist : Good afternoon, sir. How may I help you?

Traveller       : Good afternoon. Have you got a single room with a bathroom, please?

Receptionist : Yes, I can do a single room for you this evening. Would it only be for the one night?

Traveller       : For 2 nights.

Receptionist : For 2 nights?

Traveller       : How much do you charge for a room?

Receptionist : It's $260 .

Traveller       : Including breakfast?

Receptionist :  Of course.

Traveller       : Uh-huh. That's with a bathroom, is it?

Receptionist : Yes, all the rooms have private bathrooms Cable TV, A/C and complimentary fruits.

Traveller       : And Could I get dinner here?

Receptionist : We do serve dinner, yes. We have a choice of three restaurants; we have the Garden Restaurant, which's on the ground floor, which has an à la carte menu and a table d'hôte menu, set menu. We have the Steakhouse, which is for a quick meal; and we also have the Room at the Top on the eight floors, which is a disco and cabaret.

Traveller       : I see. Well, could I book a room for two nights then?

Receptionist : Yes, certainly, but I'm afraid I will have to ask you for payment in advance with it being an unconfirmed booking.

Traveller       : So you'd like the whole amount in advance, would you?

Receptionist : Yes, please. Is that all right?

Traveller       : Yes, that's all right.

Receptionist : Would you like to register then, please? And your name please!

Traveller       : Sokheang


Receptionist : So that's Mr Sokheang, one single room for two nights, right?

Traveller       : Right.

Receptionist : And that'll be $520, please, Mr Sokheang.

Traveller       : Thank you.

Receptionist : That's your receipt. You may have a full copy of the bill in the morning. And here's your key. That's room 240, Mr Sokheang, and you'll find that room on the second floor. Take the lift just to your right side you'll see the room number 240.

Traveller       : Thank you very much. And when's the breakfast?

Receptionist : Breakfast is from 6:30am until 10:00 am.

Traveller       : From 6:30 am until 10:00 am!

Receptionist : In the Garden Restaurant on the ground floor.

Traveller       : Uh-huh. And could I have an early alarm call, please?

Receptionist : You are certainly possible. What time?

Traveller       : At 7:20, please.

Receptionist : Would you like a morning paper?

Traveller       : Yes, I'll have an Express, please.

Receptionist : Right. So 7:20 early alarm call and an Express.

Traveller       : Right. Thank you so much.